Wake 'n Take

Westworld has gotten very strange.

Why are they playing basketball with a grapefruit?

The light rail from Staples Center to Santa Monica is a one-seat ride!

This is academia, “A place where deep and lasting collegial bonds are formed, where mentors and protégés can become close friends and where young lives are transformed by a galvanic encounter with knowledge and their own latent capabilities,” as Laura Miller wrote in a 2015 essay for the New Republic

Sounds like this one’s getting licked.

Yeah, that was no cold cocking...

This. It happened in Miami - a small prep school decided to recruit and pump up the football program about 8 years ago. They became a national power in a very short period of time. The first two years, they were still playing a schedule of other small prep schools with predictable results. They were beating one team

Probably Durka-Durkastan.

In fairness to Richie, he threw a dumbbell because the other guy was doing bicep curls in the squat rack.

fire at the Paninifarina factory

You guests left their trebuchets outside? How did they throw the rice?!?

You mean Cousin Oliver isn’t always the answer?

Is that really so different from standing at the exit of a Cars & Coffee?

You really ought to try punching someone in the face WHILE you fuck them. I think that would be right up your alley.

Only Suburgatory, which I thought was pretty good. Maybe I’ll give this one another shot. Thanks!

Can you please explain? I watched portions of some early episodes and wrote it off, but i’d give it another shot if it really got better.

Now playing

He’s now the second-most famous Englishman with two sheds.

You can go pro in baseball, hockey, tennis or golf without going to any college - but not in football or basketball.