I otherwise do not recommend relying on Deadspin for your financial news.
I otherwise do not recommend relying on Deadspin for your financial news.
Thanks. Can I still tell Billy to GTFO anyway?
I was really hoping you’d throw “Trump Gets Hit by a Truck” in there.
LOL. Heavy debt load from leveraged acquisitions + decreasing ad revenue with fewer listeners (because who really listens to Fucko & The Douche’s Morning Zoo when you have so many other options now?) + infighting between bondholder classes = restructuring.
Yep. I couldn’t make up a quote that stupid.
Yep. I couldn’t make up a quote that stupid.
We’ll probably never know whether or not Lionel Messi really could do it on cold, wet nights in Stoke,
That’s a lot of neck.
This is great. Assuming it happened, he’s acting like it’s a sign of his intelligence and the respect that the organization has for him — when in reality, consulting with a goddamn reporter would be the strongest possible indictment against the competence of an NFL front office.
Holy shit that is amazing! The first sentence of that recipe is absolutely priceless. It’s gonna keep me laughing all day.
Sounds like Void was the perfect magazine to get inside Bortles’ head.
Agreed. Maybe some of the Thursday night matchups were better on paper, but the games uniformly sucked. I can see ESPN having a point regarding the continued dilution of the product by airing more games, but not about the quality of those games.
I saw that show in Miami. Big Audio Dynamite opened, then PE just blew everything up (what a show!), followed by peak U2.
Brutal. And it’s been sitting outside in the winter with a busted window. But at least he pulled the wipers away from the windshield!
FWIW, I’m really happy that the column is back. I’m sure your podcast was great but I never had a chance to listen to it. But I was able to read this as I wait for my 10:30 conference call to start.
Say what now?
So she goes to CVS to buy some Plan B? Probably a good idea if you don’t want a Lovecraftian kid.
Could’ve been with Quasimodo for all I cared, tbh. It’s definitely Ms. Berkeley’s scene, for better or for worse (and it’s definitely for worse).