Agreed. Anyone who thinks Trae has already (or definitely will) become Steph 2.0 is insane or delusional. But then, anyone who denies that his kid is entertaining and fun as hell to watch is also completely insane and delusional.
Agreed. Anyone who thinks Trae has already (or definitely will) become Steph 2.0 is insane or delusional. But then, anyone who denies that his kid is entertaining and fun as hell to watch is also completely insane and delusional.
+1 footlong
Important — people are going to scream, “Wooooo!” It’s going to be really fucking annoying. You cannot throw your water bottle at them, though you will want to and though it would be perfectly justified.
It might be a service to society to drive this wagon back into the ocean from whence it came.
She’s got the crazy eyes. At a bare minimum, she would make your life miserable with bitchiness. More likely, you’ll wake up one day to find that she cut off your dick and threw it in the gutter.
I can guess the school, but there are so many candidates to be your new city that I won’t even try to figure it out.
It’s not just impressive, it’s prime.
Eats shoots and shaves my balls.
I read that as, “I’m not ratting out the 8th grade bully who shaves and seems to like pounding my balls.”
Franklin Field for FTMFW! I’m sure it was all of those unruly bastards from Drexel.
Skeptical is good. Ours have all had such high prey drives that the cat would need those nine lives...
True. That’s why I love the Madden Angle. I found it fascinating to see what the QBs saw.
This. So much this. With all the stoppages in play for commercials, and the general shittiness of the people around you, watching a game live sucks.
I was just kidding about the Ampeg, but I love the way they sound. I hear you about old amps; mine is a JCM-800 built in 1987. The old tube amps just sound better - or rather, they’re better at making the sound that I want!
You can fit your Ampeg 8x10 cab in a Liberty? Impressive!
This. When my office building had a gym, I would go at lunch and sometimes in the morning. Now, I go at 6:00 a.m.(!) because I KNOW that I will not go at night; I’m too tired, too stressed, and just want to hang with my family. And the few times I forced myself to go at night, I was miserable. The mornings are less…
That’s OK if you like new music. But I like the real classics, so I have two cavemen who sit in the back seat and bang rocks together.
I especially like her “I’m not getting any younger” smile.