Wake 'n Take

I guess LeBron needs to stop talking trash about the Warriors choking because they lost after being up 3-1...

Seems appropriate:

Holy shit, thanks for noticing that! Outstanding.

I’d tell you you’re wrong, baby, but I can’t ‘cause you’re not!

Oh god, I’m totally going to hell. That’s incredible. +20/20

The only spotter you need is the fear of death. Get on that bench and go to town.

Well, that and the fact that he’s only been to one counseling session after all of this? Fuck this guy.


I told you that Jrue was a girl’s name.

I was going to star you, but you have 3 stars, and that really seems appropriate.

Wow. Nicely done. +1


getting ass hammered

EDIT and I am disqualified for confusing Christophers Plummer and Lee.

Exactly this. We have a standard that’s already been developed and tested — nobody would expect me to crash my car with my family inside to protect pedestrians. I wouldn’t get arrested if there was truly no way to avoid the crash. Even if I would get arrested, I’d do the same thing every. Single. Time.

And the gaping hole in the middle! For him, I’d even allocate some taint.

Totally forgot about that!

Well now, I stand corrected. He’s double ass!

Wrong. IIRC, he and three buddies jumped a dude because the guy was Asian. There is no fucking universe in which that makes him a badass. He’s just an ass.