Cenac’s thing was supposed to be awkward. I was wondering if he would show; given what happened, I thought it was fantastic.
Cenac’s thing was supposed to be awkward. I was wondering if he would show; given what happened, I thought it was fantastic.
If you’re gonna teach football to Betches, you’d better start with the Basics.
the little known 1955 Hudson Jane Mansfield’s Rack
“I totally believe you had to make a snap decision because the coverage was wrong.”
You misunderstand the PO’s method: “Aww, baby, we can’t use the rubber because it’s expired...but my dick isn’t...”
Seriously. Who among us hasn’t experienced a VAG that was just a bit notchy and vague?
That’s just wrong. Only dead hookers go in the trunk.
How early is too early to drink?
Is there any reason why I can’t or shouldn’t put the white vinegar in the fabric softener compartment/dish in my washer? The machine must run that through during the rinse cycle, no?
As usual, The Onion got it right:
Thanks for the correction on Kafka. It’s an interesting situation, and I still haven’t figured out whether I’m going to read the “new” book or not. I guess I did read The Children of Huirin without qualm, but that was Tolkien’s kid doing a mash-up from various sources.
But isn’t there a difference between this scenario, versus Kafka, Van Gogh, or John Kennedy Toole? Those artists put forth their best work, but society wasn’t ready. Harper Lee could have had this novel published at any time in the past 40 years and chose to withhold it instead. I don’t think it’s the same thing.
Looks like he’s using some of that “spray hair” too - or else he has a very strangely-colored scalp...
As long as Eileen Maginot stays on the bench we’ll be OK. Her line simply could not stop the Germans last time.
The only person who should be embarrassed here is the fuckstick playing a six-string bass. Four strings is enough for Victor Wooten and Jaco P., but your artistic vision while playing Maroon 5 covers requires six?!? Go fuck yourself.
Please, dear God, have the Hornets take Kaminsky at #9...just so the Heat can’t take him with #10!
Had the same thought...
What it really needs is a drum kit, some amps, couple boxes of t-shirts, and a band of absolute hooligans. It’s the perfect “we’re cruising the country for a year after college to see if the band can make it” van. Cheap to fix, lots of room, no expectations.
I am disappoint. I expected a silver mountain.