This report brings me great comfort. It means Trump won’t be able to remember whatever security protocol he needs to start a nuclear war in a fit of insanity.
This report brings me great comfort. It means Trump won’t be able to remember whatever security protocol he needs to start a nuclear war in a fit of insanity.
I remember someone I forget who, who should know Trump, said Trump doesn’t have a sense of humor. When he says stuff like this we should believe he’s trying out ideas he’s actually considering.
I had already vote before both shows and didn’t watch either, but I hate to admit I was more inclined to watch Trump’s town hall for the same reason you would find it hard to look away passing a spectacular car wreck on the highway. All I could think is I wasn’t going to boost Trump’s ratings.
I think something important to watch as Trump resumes his rallies is to see how long they last. I find it amusing and revealing when he gave his little non-campaign rally at the White House recently he only spoke for about 20(?) minutes. Also watch for him acting winded and coughing bouts.
Yep, I think doctors refer to this phenomenon as patients seem to “fall off a cliff.”
What’s different this time is the Democrats are REALLY motivated to vote this time without a Bernie Sanders to siphon off the more idealistic votes. Also, while Trump still seems to have a firm holding on his “Base” anyone outside of it seems a lot less motivated.
About Trump’s “HIPPA rights.” There is an exception for situations where the health of the public is involved, for example being infected with a contagious deadly disease during a pandemic.
A Conman’s entire ability to con his marks depends entirely on him projecting an image to convince his victims to give him money, or in this case political support. I am laughing at this moron for the stupidity and arrogance of including a flight of stairs in his return to the White House.
The value of the vice presidential debates has never been greater. Don’t you want to hear why President of the United States and the White House aren’t better protected from Covid 19 from the man I though was in charge of the Coronavirus Task Force? I do.
I kept thinking of all the people and law enforce in and guarding the motorcade that had to be paid. Someone should estimate the crowd and then calculate how much it cost for these nincompoops to get their little wave and pump Trump’s ego.
On the other hand Trump has killed 65 times more Americans than Osama bin Laden, so who’s the bigger enemy of America?
When Trump resigns I will wish him a speedy recovery, but only so he can go on trial for tax evasion. Till then, for all I care he can apologize to the 210,000 Americans he’s killed in person.
And it had a really happy ending!
I fighting as hard as I can to keep Mr. Schadenfreude from taking over my entire being.
Actually how would this make things better? If Trump can screw up presidential votes, he’s also screwing up the rest of the votes down ticket at the same time.
And the NYT says more is coming. I’m not as concerned by how much tax Trump has paid as I am by WHO he owes his money to since American banks won’t do business with him. BTW, I know it’s the Russians.
My personal “favorite” Trump military anecdote, and the one that still gives me nightmares, is that time a few years back when Trump wondered why do we have nuclear weapons if we can’t use them? Also don’t forget this is same guy who wonders why we were fighting in the Middle East if we can’t keep the oil.
I don’t think they tried to block Ivanka as much as with that ridiculous color made Melania hard to ignore.
The fact that people voted for Trump after they found out he had no problem with Howard Stern calling his daughter a “piece of A$$” horrifies me.
I find it curious that at an event that wants you to vote Red, Melania wore a green dress the complimentary and opposite of red. I probably dig too deep.