
I’m not listening to Trump but looking in to see when it stops so I can watch the commentary. My comment would be, do they have enough flags.

Let me count the number of face masks in all the photos. Emmmmm.... ZERO.

Karen Pence does have the advantage I don’t think she’s a FSB deep cover plant in Executive Branch. On the other hand, I suspect she’s been planted by the Sons of Jacob.

What the bleep is it with rich people and sterile white decorations? This reminds me of the white lights I see at Christmas in the better neighborhoods.

I hate the new design. It makes the graphic so huge that the comments don’t feel connected to the posts anymore. My ability to scan the text and read down the ribbon that was my news feed is screwed up because it is now wider than my field of vision. The posts no longer flow into one another. On the PC I can’t see

I imagine it’s going to be very dark and apocalyptic. Just ask yourself over and over, why doesn’t the only remain living past Republican president Bush II and the current highest ranking Republican outside the Executive Branch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, not want to speak at Trump’s convention?

Someone should follow Trump around playing the stalking theme from Jaws on huge loudspeakers.

Melania knows things that would end the Trump presidency overnight. Her silence and collaboration means she deserves a permanent home in the deepest hottest pits of hell only slightly cooler than her husband.

Whatever. Just make sure you and everyone you know comes out and votes for Biden and Democrats, because you surely recognize the danger Donald Trump poses to the future and constitution of the United States.

With the way Trump always goes to Mar o Largo, I get the impression he’s not very welcomed in New York anymore. When’s the last time he’s gone to Trump Tower?

You have to stop theses Sons of Jacob members early in their tracks.

“Excuse me, while I kiss this guy.”

I imagine getting the moniker “Pandemic Disney World” to spread and stick would be a good way to get it closed down again. 

What’s next? Trump bragging he used the potty by himself like a big boy?

Death robs people of their futures too.

No you aren’t. All you have to do is ask yourself “what would you to stay out of prision.?” With all the mail in voting I’m expecting a incredibly drawn out vote count with Trump totally ignoring what turn out and post voter polling should tell him.

Or a million dollar hospital bill.

I sure hope they are hiding their evidence against Trump. I would also hint this evidence might start leaking if Trump attempts the shennanigans I am sure he is planning to try to get away with.

The Sean Hannity and Ainsley Earhardt story only reinforces the reasons why it is important to spay and neuter Fox News correspondents.