
Trump’s Salute to America: Red MAGA hats, White people, and a flyover by the Blue Angels.

All I read in this was sarcasm.

I choose to believe the ghosts of Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, and FDR got together over Trump so they could piss on him.

Another giant con from Trump. He promises tanks, but most of the time I see photos of soldiers moving Bradley fighting vehicles personnel carriers around. They are pretty impressive in their own right, but are NOT tanks.

Republican controlled Senate.

I think Pence came back to talk Trump out of trying to stage a military coup in Washington Thursday.
I know what Ivanka’s job is. To keep a reassuring family face of someone Trump actually likes around him as his descends deeper and deeper into dementia. At first I was joking, but the more I think about it

Pence stayed in town to talk Trump out of staging an authoritarian take over Thursday.

I watched a few minutes and only saw candidates when asked a question try to evasively steer the answer to their talking points.

“Suspension of disbelief,” the willingness of the audience to overlook plot flaws because they are entertained by what they are watching.

I still don’t believe Trump Sr. is his father. It is obvious when you look at Trump Jr.

Trump Jr’s posture is easy to explain. He’s constantly tense and on guard because he doesn’t know when his father will hit him again.

It looks like one of those games that qualifies as interactive art.

So do we next pay Native Americans a fair price for the real estate we stole from them?

“I didn’t do a lot of backpacking…”
Have you seen the the pillows they make for backpacking? They are the size of a loaf of bread and weigh nothing. If you don’t backpack a lot getting your rest after an unaccustomed many mile hike really is comforting. I was also going to suggest they make soft stuff sacks that you

“I didn’t do a lot of backpacking…”
Have you seen the the pillows they make for backpacking? They are the size of a

It is better to ask a question and look stupid rather than staying silent and renaming stupid.

I imagine Iranian intelligence is clever enough to figure out which three sites (NOT sights) could have been hit that would have killed 150 people and is moving more deference to protect them. My point is Trump should have been more vague and can’t be trusted with the secret details of anything which he will just

To me, sexual assault is grabbing a women’s breasts or private parts. One his penis came out just call it RAPE.

Iran is surrounded by mountains, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq. Invading Iran, 2.3x the size of Texas, should be fun.
I’ll support a war with Iran when Trump Jr. pledges to join, no actually joins.

I’m constantly amazed by by how much of Trump’s politics just feels like revenge through the causing of pain. And he wonders why the Democrats don’t want to work with him.