You misspelled “sandals.”
You misspelled “sandals.”
Does Trump still sniffle like he’s on cocaine when he gives speeches? I’m asking because I can’t tolerate more than ten seconds of his voice at a time.
I like GrapeNuts, but I generally put it on top of oatmeal.
I was horrified the other day when I saw some official on TV actually say the press was picking on Trump. I mean like he was a 5-year-old in kindergarten.
I didn’t do a lot of backpacking but a camping pillow and good sleeping cushion are really welcome after a long day’s hike.
I didn’t do a lot of backpacking but a camping pillow and good sleeping cushion are really welcome after a long…
I’m rather confused by all of this as presidents endorse candidates all the time, so why can’t senior officials in their administrations help carry out the wishes of the president?
Please don’t take my question for even a Plank second to mean I don’t want Conway to spend the rest of her life rotting in federal prison.
Everyone knows the cool kids drank Fizzies. I’m dying to find some Cap’n Crunch butterscotch Ship Shake breakfast drink.
Well for one thing, the person they hired to run it was paid an unusually larger fee to run it. Honestly it’s getting hard to keep track of the details of all these scandals.
I like Kentucky Fried Chicken. On the other hand I remember when they had sit down restaurants with waitresses, made their own gravy, and you could order milkshakes blended to order. You know, when it was a restaurant and not just another fast food joint.
Rachel Maddow keeps bringing up that the Trump inauguration raised much more than the Obama inauguration, but Trump’s inauguration was much crappier, played to smaller crowds, so where did all that money go?
There is still more life in McKinnon’s eyes than the empty soulless shell that once was Kellyanne Conway.
I’m severely lactose intolerant. Do you have any recommendations as to what I might order when other people are ordering pizzas? I love pizza crust by the way. I wouldn’t mind pizza crust with olive oil and a little garlic, but I don’t know if I can order this and there is more they could add to it.
I haven’t stopped…
I repeat, I am positive Melania knows things that would get Trump thrown out of office overnight. I have no sympathy for her and consider her a willing, complicit collaborator. She keeps such a small staff because she doesn’t want to be First Lady and just does the bare minimum to get by.
I saw the press conference where Kellyanne Conway responded to the Hatch Act charges with“Let me know when the jail sentence starts.” I hadn’t seen here lately and I was shocked me how guant, thin, with a washed out complexion she looked. It was like Satan himself had been sucking the soul from her body.
“Oh, I need your love, babe
Guess you know it’s true.”
Subpoena, subpoena, subpoena!
It plays 45s so every three or four minutes the driver would change a record while driving? What could go wrong?
That really reminds me of a Roger Dean YES album cover. The rocks almost seem to be floating in the air.