
I remember how after Aaron Sorkin left the show was still excellent, but the pace dropped by about a third and I don’t think they stuff like this as much.

Peanut butter and ramen noodles and soy sauce, little Rooster sauce

I wish AG William Barr would go to the top of Trump Tower, look over the edge, and really think about what he’s done with the sunset years of his career.

A little cayenne pepper.

Better to calculate cost per square inch as “meal” isn’t exactly a precise unit.
Okay, that info is on the original article, but still…

This show is hilarious and it’s origins are a big mystery to me.

The past several months I thought the Firefox addon AdBlock Plus was hardly working anymore. That was until I had to turn it off for a few days. With AB+ you still see plenty of ads, but without it, it turns into a deluge.

First, no special forces type soldier would creeps around a dark forest with a glowing cherry in his mouth.

It was kind of nice to hear that one of the more reasonable voices in Trump’s insane mind was for a brief moment shouting the loudest.

I want Mueller to come to congress and answer to answer two questions, did you want congress to get the full report, and do you think it’s a matter congress needs to take investigate. He tacitly did so in his speech, but until he explicitly says it, Trump has wiggle room pretending there is room for interpretation. I

Served for a limited time with the remaining New Coke in existence.

I swear the quailty of potatoes, onions, and bananas showing up to market has been on the decline the past couple years.

I like to believe starting impeachment gives congress the tools to get EVERYTHING and as the avalanche of dirt gains moment as it comes out, public opinion will follow. It also has the added value of possibly inducing a stroke in a man who doesn’t exercise and lives on cheeseburgers, fried chicken, and diet cokes.

One thing I take comfort from is I thoroughly doubt private citizen Robert Mueller would defy a congressional subpoena.

Every day Trumps in office I think of the guy carrying the Nuclear Football who walks behind him. Every day Trumps in office I think about all the judges he’s stacking the courts with. Every day he’s not impeached he’s emboldened to do more of the the same crap he’s been doing all along.

Articles of Impeachment start in the House Judiciary Committee then go to the full floor for a vote to Impeach. I imagine none of this would happen unless Nancy was okay with it.

You got into Harvard Law?

Every time I read the phrase “Don Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle” I like to remind people the scumbag has FIVE kids with his divorced wife. Republicans are all about family values. 

Thank you for the suggestion, but those aren’t them either. I actually remember velux blankets. They were one of the original super soft blankets. I think they were a little like sheets of foam and would disintegrate after a while. The things I waste valuable brain RAM remembering.
The blankets I’m talking about

Thank you for the suggestion, but those aren’t them either. I actually remember velux blankets. They were one of the

I’m sure Trump will have some tactful words of wisdom for PM May who is about to leave office because she couldn’t secure a Brexit, a divisive nationalistic strategy I’m sure Putin told Trump to support.