
related, kinda:

Those two things are definitely literally different.

Lol, sure because old fucks who don’t smoke pot aren’t racist. Your logic checks out there, chief.

Oh, fuck you, you disgusting bastard. Preferably with a rusty chainsaw. If you think you’re going to Paradise, you don’t have to be brave at all.

I have an honest question as an American leftist. Why is Islam immune from any kind of structural criticism? If a right wing Christian fanatic had committed a similarly heinous attack, we would rightly pillory both him and the regressive belief system that motivated him. While any kind of racism or attacks on

“Brave” and “cowardly” are not explanations, friend. They are pure unadulterated endorsement/moral rejection. You evaluated, not described.

“Not to justify any of the violence, but I’m going to justify the violence by pointing out the attackers’ bravery, while deflecting the responsibility onto the real killers, which are the cowardly Americans.”

Hey numbnuts, this too is probably an outcome of toxic masculinity.

But that’s just not true. That’s like saying that no real follower of Christ would refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual couple. Actually, you can find very real support for this sort of thing in their religious texts (whether we like to admit it or not). Sure, the vast majority of Muslims wouldn’t do this, and

Um, no - it’s because it would be interpreted as being demeaning to Trump and Putin. They’re both homophobic adherents of toxic masculinity, so it offends them to be depicted as homosexuals. As a gay man, it doesn’t offend me to see them depicted that way, and it doesn’t make me feel that my homosexuality is being

I think that attitude is abhorrent. It was her life and her marriage, and you think she should have walked away because of political calculations? I feel sorry for you.

No, if the image had Conway in there instead of Trump, it’d be accused of being sexist!

He was also not religious so wouldn’t mess with women’s health and abortions, remember? Ah bros, so wise.

It’s so fucking hard not to actually hate all the libertarian bros and broettes who said Trump wouldn’t give a shit about marijuana and the war on drugs.

I would love to exist in your universe where Joe Fucking Lieberman, I-CT, could be convinced to vote for Medicare For All.

Well, Trump spent a lot more time villifying Clinton and other candidates then he did delineating his strategies. So it “worked” for him, not working out so well for the country.

There’s no need to be patronizing. It’s concerning that she got any of the vote but I’m wholly unsurprised. White people are quite reliably racist.

Say it! I so badly want to understand this urge to immediately shit on anything good.

I don’t think that is a serious question simply because the answer is obvious.

Replying to the question someone asked you because I am bored and can’t sleep and it’s mildly interesting as a thought experiment ... no, I wouldn’t “sacrifice abortion” if the Democrats would “be in charge of everything forever” as a result.