
So are you more pissed that Gloria Steinem said a wrongheaded thing about young women who supported Sanders, or that she personally supported Clinton? Like, you think there’s something inherently unethical about supporting Hillary Clinton? Because, if so, please shut the fuck up already, because in 2018, that shit is

Non-competes are unenforceable in California, but they are enforceable in a lot of states so long as the terms fall within certain parameters. Because, you know, it would be the socialist hellholes like California who would burden innovation with their anti-business courts and business-killing regulations.

That’s a ridiculous thing to say. It’s like saying “most women flock to a man who is tall”. Being tall helps. Money helps. It’s one stick (and not the most important stick) in a bundle of sticks women look for in a potential partner. And “most women” would not go for a dude who’s highly compensated if he has nothing

There is a time and a place for free expression. And the time and place was certainly not during work hours on the internal corporate discussion forums. I may feel slightly differently about this case if his diatribe was posted on Facebook. Then again, there’s also context. His feelings on how women are worse at

Meh, he’s pretty ugly.

Yep. I would imagine the worst thing about being married to Donald Trump is having to have sex with him. I bet Melania even appreciates having other women take him off her hands. That’s pretty much how it worked with Hugh Hefner and his girlfriends.

Holy crap, he’s 70? I will say this for Romney, he looks really good for his age.

I dunno. I think to call it banal is to call it a cliche, and you can’t copyright a cliche for the reasons OP stated.

And it is especially ironic that he wants to cut family immigration in favor of a “merit based system” which essentially means making H1B1 visas the only available form of immigration. And employers as a matter of practice misuse these visas to get IT professionals from poorer countries, who are willing to accept

Yes! That was messed up on so many levels. I also think there was a point halfway through where she regained sight, and then the male partner lost his eyesight at the end.

Dafuq? What part of Russia do you come from?

You dated a sociopath. Her Romanian heritage was only incidental.

Meh, I’m a lady and Doritos are my chip of choice. In the words of another ad campaign not aimed at me, I don’t always eat chips, but when I do, I eat Doritos. Maybe they’re struggling with the womenz because the ladies are conditioned to stay away from “junk” food more.

Yes, a majority of white women voted for Trump. But do you seriously believe the majority of the white woman Trump voters are the women who would fall under the “white feminist” moniker? Because I suspect those women would not describe themselves as feminists at all, let alone read Jezebel to be on the receiving end

So the alternative should have been, what? Not fighting for women’s suffrage because it alone wouldn’t fix every other form of oppression ailing society at the time? How do you not see the absurdity of your arguments?

You think railing against “white feminists”, “bioessentialist feminists” and “capitalist feminists” engenders solidarity? If solidarity is what you’re looking for, you’re doing it wrong.

Obviously Clinton too stood on the shoulders of other women. But in modern presidential politics, she is the pioneer female politician. She is the first woman who publically and unabashedly decided in the 90s that she was going to be president and she spent the next 2 decades trying to make that happen. She is an

No, not really. That context did not come through to me at all. To me it sounded like what you were saying is “she co-opted feminism for her dastardly ambitions”. Also, there’s no such thing as a perfect feminist. There are women who influence history, and create a net positive world for all women. Hillary Clinton is

Stood on a platform of women’s rights? Ffs, you make it out like that was always some kind of advantage, when Clinton arguably pioneered the “women’s platform” in politics. The conservatives hate her because she said she doesn’t bake cookies, and took an active role as adviser in her husband’s administration. They

To be fair, I think serving caviar in the original container is pretty common. I’ve had caviar service at the Petrussian, with mother of pearl spoons and toast point, and proper accompaniments, and everything. And they, too, serve it to you in its original packaging (a small can, but It might have been glass). Maybe