
Oh, look! She was escorted out of CPAC by security:

Considering The Last Jedi is not just watchable, but a great film, I’m not sure why we’d need him for this.

Negative. The blossoming population of young, single men at Google is the perfect counterexample. SlowBurn is fairly accurate. I work near there, as well.

My boys, baby and I skipped school today and saw the first showing at 10am. Theater was packed. My heart soared several times because, finally, I was watching a movie, not about pimps, hoes, slavery or drugs, but one were my 5 year olds cheered for heroes and booed villians that looked just like them. They saw a woman

I think Melania is very happy that other people are taking care of her husband’s sexual needs. I bet the less physical contact she has with him, the happier she is.

I just cannot fathom the amount of untreated dog urine that is deposited on our streets

If you live in a city a whole lot of that urine in the streets is human.

Ehh, this does not bother me. Waste (horse, dog, human) has been a part of city living since there were cities, and many cities are cleaner than ever through programs that encourage good behavior. And as a resident of NYC, I smell a lot more human waste than dog waste, unfortunately, and humans are both less cute and

Not that we have to hold hands and sing kumbaya all the time, but honestly, what is the point of articles like this? What inspired you? I hate Chelsea Handler, so why don’t I write an article about how much her new business venture is gonna suck.

For me, it slots in right under the decision that a house in New York is, in the eyes of the law, haunted. Because the former owner advertised it as such for years, but then failed to mention this when it was sold, and it had a direct effect on the longterm value.

The female skater pretending to be blind while her partner shows her the world was a nice follow-up. Her hand blackface but for blind people.

She earned her position the same way everyone else did in this administration. She knew the right person. She was willing to leave her integrity and honor at the door. She blew smoke up the great one’s ass. Her looks may be an asset, but she worked her way to the top just like the rest of them. No one in this

You don’t need special Doritos if you get the powder on your hands. You can just go wash them.

Yup. I’ve made this comment on this site before, but remember having a conversation with a friend of a trans woman right after the 2017 women’s march. She was furious at all the women wearing pussy hats because not all women have pussies, and she took it to mean that the march was not inclusive of or interested in her

I agree with you. I don’t understand why they would want a cis het women to talk about a life she knows nothing about, to begin with. She’s there to talk about her book, which is about herself. So, what, exactly, is she supposed to do for a trans woman at this point?  I’m not going to be all “online woke” and show up

A woman talking about her rape is hecled by some rando who wants to know what she’s doing about the discrimination faced by trans people in the prison system (?!?) and you’re siding with the heckler? Nice to see where your priorities lie.

Again, I fail to see your point. After decades of being maligned and shoved to the side, Rose went and made a plan. She shopped a docu series and a book, and trademarked a phrase. She then started talking to journalists on the record even as they found they couldn’t move forward with the story. She visualised, planned

She explained why she uses Rosearmy. Its because that’s what she trademarked a few years ago precisely to push for change. Rose has been at this for awhile, screaming into the wilderness while the world ignored her.

Rose isn’t perfect but neither is Andi Dier (the transwoman) - different women accused her this week on Twitter of sexual assault and hitting on underage girls, though I notice no one is mentioning that here.

Both of your posts strike me as a bit misdirected. On one hand, you’re wishing some sort of vigilantee justice inside of prison upon this man (which is morally wrong, in my opinion). On the other, you’re buying into the idea of a “country club” prison, where just being in prison isn’t sufficient punishment for an