
Well Saint Bernard of the Barricades never had to deal with that because he had very few women working for him. But never mind that!

You are literally the person who made the Louis CK comparison, so if you don’t like the corollary between the two you have no one but yourself to blame, dude

Bernie solved this problem by not hiring any women. Easy peasy! Chicks, man.

To what end? She’s not a candidate anymore and she’s never running for office again. Can’t we stop beating this dead horse?

There’s a pretty huge difference between a 16 year old at worst making a fumbling pass and an adult drugging and raping dozens of women.

Charles Manson ordered the murders to be done by his followers. Unless you’re saying Hillary Clinton ordered this dude to sexually harass this woman, it’s still a shitty, sensationalist example.

So, fuckface, why did you replie to a comment where I specifically said: I said yes, but afterwards I thought I should have said ‘no’, so now it’s a ‘no’ retroactively and you’ll hear from my lawyer or the nearsest gossip site!

Tripping a five-year-old and screaming in their face is assault and battery of a minor, and endangering the safety of a minor. So it is illegal, actually. But ya, there are lots of actions that are immoral but not necessarily illegal (like infidelity, regular lying that isn’t considered fraud, etc.)

Awesome. So you were there on that night and feel comfortable presenting a clinical report on the psychological motives and behaviors of the two individuals involved with no bias or preconceived notions. Sounds exactly like what a professional researcher would do.

It’s also a perfect teaching moment about enthusiastic non-consent, like leaving.

See, this is where the generational divide shows itself. I am almost 50 and have been out here in the world as a minority woman for what feels like forever. Due to the times in which I came of age, I believe that there is not automatically a power imbalance just because one person in the couple is a decade older than

Then perhaps she shouldn’t be dating. Seriously, if you aren’t assertive enough or have the intelligence to stand up for yourself in this kind of situation, you should go back to group dates and get your parent to chaperone.

She wasn’t a minor...she is an adult. At what age would you give her full agency for her behavior?

So what exactly is the point here? Should rich famous people only be allowed to have sex with other rich famous people?

This is how you make young white women look like infants. She was 23 years old. She had graduated from college, could legally vote, legally get married, join the military, drink alcohol, marry someone 50 years older than her. She is an adult. This reminds of me when media refers to Don Jr., Kushner and Ivanka as

Obama exists within a political reality that constrains his actions. “Could have/should have” statements like this are completely divorced from realistic actions. If you want to criticize Obama era policy be specific, provide realistic and practical alternatives, and show yours are superior. This ticky-tacky shit just

I get that, but in the meantime, the fat-shaming of the people who are terrible AND happen to be fat, is throwing all the non-terrible fat people under the bus along with them.

I highly recommend this Daily Show bit from a few years ago, chronicling Christie’s veto of a bill that over 90% of New Jersey residents supported and passed bi-partisanly (passed 32-1 in the senate)... because it wouldn’t play well in Iowa for his presidential run. Essentially he turned his back on his own

I hope Bruce Springsteen offers to play at Phil Murphy’s swearing in.