
They don’t lose if people don’t actually do anything to make them lose, and then to keep them from retaking the power needed to win. In this case, decades of Democratic voters not showing up to vote has created a landscape where the bad guys are free to do pretty much whatever they want.

I’m interested to know if Americans have a proper network in place to deal with this kind of thing. I’m from Northern Ireland where abortion has always been illegal and we have organised ourselves to make sure that every woman in need can get an abortion. It’s not the ideal way but it’s invaluable. Your Irish sisters

I’m trying to figure out what the alternative to “letting” the South rejoin the union might be. The whole point of the union fighting the war was to preserve the complete union. I’m not sure what the aftermath of a war won by the union that doesn’t involve the abolition of the Confederacy looks like. Have you thought

Don’t really understand why this would bother you. If you bought them a gift (or gave them cash), presumably you want them to actually enjoy it or use it, no? Who cares if they later decide that the cash is better spent on paying some bills than on a vacation?

If you’re that concerned about what newlyweds are doing with your cash gift... maybe just don’t get them anything. If you got them fine china would you also expect them to break it out every time you stop by just so you know they didn’t pawn it?

I don’t think the show intends for us to think she’s lying to her therapist. She gives in because she knows there is no real choice. They are explicit about it.

My sense of Celeste’s thinking was: if she consents, then it’s not rape. She seems to not want to face what would happen if she actually resisted, so she consents.

I think giving into the sex at times might be a way for Celeste to physically protect herself. Like if he’s fucking her, at least he isn’t hitting or trying to kill her, and once he gets what he wants, he leaves her alone.

His abuse of Celeste has been consistently shown and built up throughout the show. It’s incredibly uncomfortable to watch. I cannot imagine having watched the show and then getting to that scene and reacting with humor.

it looks like you might be unclear on the concept of “tolerance” and what it is supposed to cover. “tolerance”, as you probably don’t realize, is a shorthand for a live-and-let-live credo. and, so, you might not have known, it doesn’t cover everything. just as a helpful tip, here are SOME of the things it DOESN’T

I disagree, I think the unwillingness to accept debate and discussion within a movement is far more dangerous.

But I’d argue that infighting is the inevitable, predictable result of predicating your movement upon concepts like oppression and privilege. When you turn oppression into a currency, you incentive people to collect as many as possible and that creates divisions (since oppression inherently comes from others). Don’t

Isn’t Jezebel prompting this kind of in-fighting constantly tho??? If there’s anything good, there’s a ‘gotcha’ article about it on Jezebel.

This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.

I starred your comment because you obviously get so much joy from insulting a stranger on the Internet (and poorly insulting, at that). So, I’m glad I could make your night.

I am an American in the UK. A Socialist has taken the helm of Labour, our Democrat-like party. The result has been a disaster and in a recent election Labour has lost a district they’ve held since the 1930s. While Corbyn, the Socialist, is popular within the most left-wing of his own party, his messages do not connect

Lucky for us, there’s a whole generation full of people who don’t suck who are gonna shift into the position of the dominant demographic

Because socialism has failed. Now if you want to talk the MILD amount of socialism that is mixed in predominantly capitalist Western European countries, then sure, it could potentially work. But true Marxist Socialism would have a tough time getting passed in Europe, much less here.

Because most of us aren’t socialists. I’m ok with regulation, high taxes on the wealthy, etc. I’m even OK with some measure of state-run industry where it is the most efficient and fair way of doing it (certain energy sectors and healthcare would be the places I’d start). But not comfortable with full-blown socialism.

I don’t at all understand how that “applies equally well here”. The Democrats’ stated platform is to raise the minimum wage to $15, pass things like universal health care and mandatory sick days and workers’ rights, strengthen regulations, tax the wealthy, and increase the social safety net. The party and its members