
Progressives and Democrats in those districts should just run as republicans and primary those guys. These are the same voters who supported trump even when he advocated for things that were very non-republican. I bet if someone runs on a platform of cutting the deficit (by taxing the rich), boosting education

You guys should form your own party with Bernie. You guys can hold your own conventions, elect your party head, have your own primaries, and scold one another. You don’t seem to get that while progressive issues poll well, people don’t always vote for candidates with those views. You see, your economic views often

Before/after what? Seriously, give some context to your figures.

There will always be new voters, but those voters actually register and vote. Sanders supporters want control of the party without a proven track record of being able to help the party. Just like Sanders wanted to be the Golden Boy Anointed One while Clinton put in the hours to help other people get elected.

The idea that there is a left-right spectrum in politics that remains coherent over time is itself not particularly well-supported by political science research. The research that tries to determine the position of the parties relative to each other over time, on the other hand, suggests that the Democrats have moved

Seriously, do I have to point this out? The counties in Green have very low population levels. Compare this map to a map of counties shaded by population, and you’ll find most of the high-pop counties went to Clinton.

So Bernie won, even though he didn’t (because of closed primaries) because he almost won. Does that mean Clinton also won, even though she didn’t (because of the electoral college) because she almost won?

Not really. She beat him by a wider margin than she beat Obama, despite his doing a 180 and begging Super Delegates to screw her over.

BUT! Perez MUST be a centrist because he is not Ellison and it is IMPOSSIBLE to have more than one person in the party that is progressive!

Describing a block of individuals that don’t get out for midterms and who spite voted for Stein knowing the risk was a Trump presidency as “engaged” is laughable.

Ex cop here.

I don’t believe for one second this would have turned out the same way if the guy weren’t an off-duty cop.

What the entire fuck did I just watch???? That is a child he is manhandling over nothing!! And then he pulls his gun put because people are rightfully trying to get him off the kid?? And shoots it?????? I’m fucking livid! Administrative leave my ass he should be in jail!

Oh don’t think I didn’t notice her “Hillary would have been a bad president” aside. Because apparently when the rest of us were desperately campaigning to avoid the nightmare that is our political reality, homegirl was working on her book deal and complaining about Hillary not fitting her “values” enough. And then

It must be nice to be the only person doing feminism right.

I find that people who grew up well off usually add some sort of exception “but my parents never told me how much we had so I didn’t grow up thinking we had money” or “but they always asked me what I was spending it on so it’s not like I had an unlimited account”.

Doesn’t really sound like a “money is strange” situation. Sounds more like a “you grew up quite rich, and around really rich people” situation.

Maher doesn’t give a shit about people not named Maher. Let’s be glad he’s a Democrat, if he were a Republican, he’d probably be President by now.

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

The thing about Bill Maher that’s always killed me is how pissy he gets when the audience doesn’t laugh at his jokes. He always lashes out and accuses them of being too PC and liberal, but Louis CK and South Park are proof positive that liberals are more than happy to laugh at an off color joke so long as it’s