
What about those of us who really, really, really wanted Bernie, but when it came to vote did the right thing and voted for Hillary, even though we were in a solidly red state where it didn’t matter? Can we hold our heads high?

I love how trumps only defense is: “these leaks are illegal!” Meanwhile during the campaign he said he loved Wikileaks and begged Russia to hack Hillary’s emails. Karma is a bitch.

Yes. He was trump’s ass-kisser from the early days, and I seriously doubt he would have gone rogue and made those calls without either direction or at least consent from the Big Orange. I think it only took this long to eject him because loyalty is more important than ethics and competence to this jack-o-lantern

Now playing

The only reason he’s out is because of this being found out by the news media. We NEED to find out what’s going on with this administration and Russia. This shit is way out of control. Trump knew this happened and I’m totally convinced he ordered it and Flynn is the fall guy.

California is the single biggest contributor to our economy and/ or GDP, larger than Texas, New York, and everybody in between. They’re not a drag on the economy. States like Kentucky and Alabama, on the other hand, are.

Maybe if red states would start paying their own way instead of sucking on the government teat (which california is paying a big chunk of), but of course, when red states rather dump taxes for the rich so that their respective state governments run at a constant defecit, it’s hard to make ends meet.

I assume you’re joking when you implied the gov’t would withhold federal aid just because the Toupee-in-Chief got his ego bruised by a state governor. Because that’d be monstrously petty, and illegal.

You’re aware that California only has 70% on the dollar returned to them out of collected federal revenue, right? Unlike most of the red states, which get from 100% to 170% back....

Don’t ungrey trolls. DON’T UNGREY TROLLS!

Why would you ungrey this piece of garbage? check out their comment history. Just dismiss this kind of asshole- it’s not worth engaging with them.

What do you think voting for Carson was?

They literally don’t have the numbers to stop anything. What the fuck do you mean “have done nothing of value as of yet?”

Critical or cynical? They didn’t have the votes, but they still boycotted their committee meetings and held the floor for what, 24 hours, this week trying to save the DOE.

I’m glad we’re able to focus on what’s most important: Continuing to argue about the primary.

As the Democratic party attempts to peel itself off the floor,

I like Ellison, but the bottom line is we need to pick someone and 100% get behind him or her. I think all of us progressives are good people with good intentions, but we’re so goddamn fractured right now, while the republicans are marching in evil lockstep.

I don’t believe anyone is arguing that the US is innocent because we are far from innocent. The US barely has a moral high ground to stand on, but last I checked Russia and the former USSR outranked us in the fucked up department.

Wanna bet?

Honestly, going so far as to trash America to defend Putin is unprecedented. And it was off the cuff, which is even more confusing. Like he truly believes this false equivalence.

This utter inability to stop fighting this battle tells you all you need to know about him. Even another president in cahoots with Putin would publicly drop this and go along with the American line of hating the guy. His stubborn ass will. not. let. it. go. because he always has to be right.