
Three things about your statement that may be true:

Umm, what??

Truthfully, no matter what happens, the neonazis get what they want. They avail themselves of laws too slow to keep up with technological changes to harass and threaten and then claim free speech as cover.

The Neo-Nazi’s got what they wanted. A violent group of leftists “supressing campus free speech.”

UGH. No cheers for Maine’s Susan Collins, folks. She does this to us every goddamned time. She could have ended this travesty in committee with a no vote, but nope, she went ahead and passed DeVos through to a full house vote where she will more than likely pass.

So did I.

I blame a lot of people, and yes, one of those people is Hillary Clinton. She wasn’t perfect by a long shot—but let’s keep reminding ourselves that none of the candidates were. But Clinton’s done running for president, and third party voters aren’t done voting. And, again, clearly they need to be reminded what

I went door to door canvassing for Hillary with pamphlets and papers we made. I can’t tell you the number of times the person I went to started to lecture me about everything that was wrong with Clinton and the DNC. I kept saying, “this is really important to me and if I can just have 5 minutes” but nope.

You’re the only person impressed with your “reasons”, which are exclusively stupid. You don’t like name-calling? Make smarter comments. From the beginning, when you said Martin O’Malley would’ve won the general election, you’ve made one bad point after another, the dumbest being that the Democratic Party shouldn’t

Even assuming that’s true, which it definitely isn’t, that’s my point.

YEAH, where I have heard that? Oh yeah, this fucking guy.

It’s official: you’re an imbecile.

I didn’t choose her. I voted for Bernie in the primaries. But I grew up, in part because I recognized that he got far fewer votes, and voted responsibly in the actual election. Now I’m stuck with the consequences of other people’s stupidity and no, I won’t stop reminding them of what happens when liberals demand

Sure, let’s disenfranchise black voters! That would’ve helped a lot!

If people wanted to vote for Bernie so badly, then why did so many more Democrats vote against him? He lost. He lost in vote totals, delegate totals, and any other measure you want to name. What he did do was, he held onto the publicity ladder like grim death and continued to make people like you resent the Party’s

Bullshit. If a person can’t win the primary, then they can’t win the general election.

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

He was already saying the left is as violent as we accuse the alt-right of being. The only thing that changed is that he’s scared now.

Hillary Clinton represents us all today. What woman hasn’t had the experience of celebrating  the man who got the promotion/job she was infinitely more qualified for?

remember all those people saying that things wouldn’t be so bad? remember how trump wasn’t really going to be able to do anything? HAHAHAHAHAHA *starts to cry*