
As the daughter of two computer programmers who have committed the cardinal sin of being white, fuck you and the generalizing horse you rode in on. My mom also works for a large financial institution whose programming workforce is 90% H1B. It’s a complete bro-fest and the nepotism is strong, but they’re not mostly

No, nobody knows Winter’s Bone except the like 7 people who actually saw it. She is known because of Hunger Games, and the next three or four movies she was miscast in because she was young and hot (and why should we ever hire 30-40 year old actresses when the roles can be played by 21-year-olds?) and because gal fans

I’m a woman and the expectations on women that you are talking about are not the same thing as expectations of actors, which apply to both women and men actors. Mind you, I don’t give a shit about celebrities, but I recognize that occasionally being nice to fans comes with the job. Also, Jennifer Lawrence got her

I mean, you’ve narrowly defined the job of Hollywood actor as someone who makes films and does press to make your point. But as we all know in the real world, different jobs have different responsibilities that spill beyond their workdays, e.g. Networking. If you are an actress or other entertainer, a big reason for

Thanks, that’s helpful. Get it together, California!

Why don’t States like California try to wield some influence?

That’s nice. You know who’s going to present the Democrats’ policies with that epithet? The Republicans. Someone upthread made the dubious claim that Democrats need not fear massive electoral losses if they became the socialist party because they already sustained massive electoral losses during Obama’s

Who has ever “wooed” POC at the level Obama did? Kind of an unfair expectation. POC gave her the primary, btw, so it’s questionable that the alternative candidate would have come close even to Clinton’s turnout.

That would be a cogent argument if political leaders were products. Except what they are, is inescapable realities, so you may as well vote for the one that is less distasteful. If someone told me to choose between getting 5 lashes and getting 10 lashes, it would undoubtedly suck either way, but I would opt for the 5

What is with Bernie fans being so insistent in using “Jew” as one of his “weaknesses” against Clinton that make it surprising he came that close? Seems kind of anti-Semitic to me. It would be like making the argument “Hillary was such a weak candidate, a black guy beat her.” And frankly, who’s to say “woman” trumps

If you want to vote for a Democrat in closed primaries, join the party. A crown isn’t going to fall off your head if you have to suffer the indignity of having your name on some list in an election office somewhere. If you want a say, get a say. Don’t be a whiny little baby about it.

That assumes most of them would know who Bill Maher is.

Kill yourself.

Oh come the fuck on. That’s advocating for the kid napping of a child. Imagine if the nationalities genders were reversed. This is an extremely thorny and difficult situation, but that’s not a solution.

You’re giving Trump too much credit. Elderly people need much less sleep than young people and experience insomnia, so the 3:00 AM tweets make sense. The campaigning might have been exhausting and draining for someone like Clinton who doesn’t really do it well, but Trump clearly adored the adulation he got at his

How would you even “see” backchanneling? Also, backchanneling doesn’t work anymore when our government is completely polarized because both parties’ constituents demand that the politicians have nothing to do with the guys on the other side of the aisle. The closest thing we got to “backchanneling” was Devos.

But if you’re just taking a sick day or a vacation day, how is that a “strike”?

I know you think that you are saying something insightful, but you are really ignoring the complete context. Historically speaking, every superpower has committed some atrocity. That does not mean that in 2017 the president of the United States needs to say publicly that this country is no better than a brutal

Because it fucking happened and there’s nothing we can do to stop it now. Like in every other aspect of our government, Republicans cheated. And here we are, faced with the reality that they cheated and got rewarded for it. As unfair and fucked up as it is, this is the reality on the ground today. And if the Democrats

Okay? But what does that have to do with what I was talking about?