
Yes, they did. Trump voters are okay with bombing innocent people too. You are okay with bombing innocent people. If a large contingency of people really wasn’t okay with bombing innocent people, it would be an actual campaign issue. Sure, we feel bad about it. I also feel bad about factory farming, but I still eat

It’s virtually impossible to have deeply held liberal beliefs and no morals. Liberal beliefs by their nature are moral beliefs.

I watched. I thought it was stupid. Yet I enjoyed it. Guilty pleasure, I guess? I thought they had chemistry. Dakota is charismatic and likeable. Jamie is hot.

And what if he/she does? Is it a sin to have a job in your version of America?

There’s also the issue that high drug prices in the US effectively subsidize lower prices everywhere else. At least in the short term, if we started regulating drug prices, big pharma profits would crash. Which sounds fine in theory, but they do employ a lot of people and we do theoretically want to keep pharma


I guess judging people for things like that still seems kind of petty to me, and references to “old money” vs “new money” is sort of elitist and misplaced. Like, traditionally, “old money” means rich by blood and “new money” means people who have earned their fortune. It’s essentially about class, and the aristocrats

I figured they went out of fashion around shortly after I turned of age. I remember being a teenager thrilled to get a Tiffany’s charm bracelet AND the matching necklace for my birthday. It was all about my bracelet and my necklace and my Uggs for a while. I miss being young and so easily pleased.

Come on, you sound bitter and petty. Your boss got an LV bag because she liked it. She bought a Porsche because she wanted one. Neither one of those things will ever seem even remotely as tacky as calling her and her husband “new money”. That’s rude and frankly makes no sense. What is “old money” in your estimation?

Yes and no. The LV logo has been around forever. Look at those fabulous vintage trunks fashionable French ladies keep in their apartments. It’s an iconic look. But like many things it has been cheapened by counterfeiting. Like, LV doesn’t really need or particularly want most people walking around with their products

But they probably bought that bag in the $55 bin at TJ Max so what’s the problem? At least it maybe won’t fall apart in a few months like most other bags you get at TJ.

Come on. You can call your daughter little monkey. A monkey in a cartoonish sense is a goofy, cute boisterous creature with long arms and legs. Like kids seem sometimes. Intent matters. A parent calling their kid endearingly “little monkey” is not the same thing as racist piece of shit calling all black people monkeys.

Because buying someone a small token or gift is a nice thing to do. It’s a show of affection and generosity. Most people not living under a rock know this.

Yikes! That’s why couples have to have the talk so that the guy pretty much knows the answer before he sets up the elaborate proposal scheme.

Guy says douchey sexist thing. Someone responds that they’re a sexist douche. Guy says, “Make your case for why I’m a sexist douche”. As this thread demonstrates, you are very difficult to argue with. But the disconnect is that you think it’s because you’re smarter than everyone else, but everyone else thinks it’s

See, I’m not sure about that. I think us liberals desperately need a blowhard right now. For all their vitriol about “liberal crybaby snowflakes who can’t get over losing the election”, that was Republicans for the last 8 years. The despair we feel today is what they felt during Obama’s two terms. And people in

He is not a well intentioned person. Stop legitimizing his misogyny.

Why debate with that sexist curmudgeon? He had perfectly illustrated what he is. Hillary’s accomplishments will mean nothing to him and he already told you why—she’s a woman.

“Because they thought nominating a woman was more important than winning an election.” There it is, in your own words. You can deny it all you want. You can scream denials from the rooftops until you are blue in the face. But you are a sexist piece of shit. You maybe preferred Bernie, but you are a deplorable,

Indeed. In my opinion, sports is the most banal interest on the planet, yet the most acceptable small talk you can have in a work related situation, because people with penises generally have that interest.