
You’re probably a troll, but I’ll indulge. Ask yourself: what was the thing the Southern states wanted to do that the North wanted the federal government to ban?

I’m sorry but that’s nonsense. We don’t need a bloody revolution. We just need to get off our asses and vote.

Ugh, fuck your aunt (no offense). That’s the height of selfishness. I’m gonna work my whole life putting this money into payroll taxes instead of my private savings account so the system can be “saved” for someone like her, but I won’t get access to that money until I’m at least 70, and get far less. Well fuck that

They’ll still be too stupid to understand. They’ll still need to reaffirm their worldviews by believing that those damn Democrats are responsible somehow. That’s the tragedy of this last election. The bigotry was just a category of something else—it was sheer, profane, unbridled stupidity that won Trump the election.

But being mentally addicted to weed is like being mentally addicted to food. There are people whose lives and health are impaired by both, but as a policy matter, we don’t make food illegal.

I can attest that I am or know lawyers, doctors, and office drones who smoke daily and are just fine.

My husband and I smoke weed on an almost daily basis, and we are both decidedly not impaired and are successful in highly lucrative, professional fields. It’s nice to smoke a little to relax and unwind at the end of the night. I’m not trying to convince anyone that smoking daily is good or bad. I am saying that your

The thing is, the moderate left needs the far left and the far left needs the moderate left, because when we eat each other alive, we get Trump for president. A million things contributed to Hillary’s loss. I mean, it was really a perfect storm of everything that could have gone wrong, going wrong. But it also showed

I think it’s more like “put up or shut up”. Which is an inelegant way of saying, I will vote for your candidate if they win the primary, and you should vote for mine if mine wins.

You do you. Keep validating those Republicans that talk about special snowflake liberal morons. I hold you in contempt and therefore give no shits about your precious opinion. Later.

And the far left needs to learn that punching the moderate left isn’t going to do anything but give the White House to the extreme right. You’ll continue to blame Hillary and the DNC, I’ll continue to blame Comey and Russia, but at the end of the day, we both have to live with a Trump president for the next 4 years.

You can argue anything you want. The Supreme Court disagrees, and with Trump at the helm, the Supreme Court will continue to disagree for decades to come. Our federal legislature will never pass federal laws protecting LGBT people while the tea party and the swamp monsters are in power and Pence is the VP. State

It’s also easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. Clinton’s campaign made mistakes. She probably still would have won if it weren’t for Comey (recall that she was leading him by something like 20 points in early October after the Access Hollywood tape came out), but it certainly was a campaign that missed some

Well, you started with a much more generalized statement that I initially responded to. In any event, too many doctors commit medical malpractice, too, but that profession does not get quite the same vitriol.

On these very barebones details, it sounds like the lawyer violated some ethics rules (most notably, lying to his client). It sadly happens, but the ethics rules do exist and most decent lawyers try to follow them.

It’s like Game of Thrones.

I’m so confused. Why would your mom continue paying up to $10,000 to her lawyer to have unnecessary custody negotiations if she and your dad already came to an agreement?

And what’s wrong with that? Lawyers doing their jobs is a bad thing? That’s like saying doctors make bank over illness and suffering.

In Louisiana, a Democrat trying to sound like a Democrat definitely won’t work. At least Campbell’s got a snowball’s chance in hell. On the flip side, a Republican trying to sound like a Democrat worked in NJ for a while.

While I totally agree with you, the problem is that the Democrats are generally just better human beings than Republicans, as is evidenced by their more compassionate and progressive views on life. And when you’re a decent human being, your weakness is that fighting dirty doesn’t come easy. It’s why the Starks kept