
The DNC preferring Clinton had virtually nothing to do with Bernie’s loss. The large parts of him losing were (1) he represented a vocal fringe, (2) black people didn’t vote for him, and (3) his biggest constituency was young people, who could be bothered to turn up at rallies but not to register to vote.

Gary Johnson, baby!

Theoretically, if the electoral college votes against the Republican candidate, it could galvanize the Republicans against the electoral college system. How many condescending lectures do Democrats get online about the electoral college when they bring up that Clinton won the popular vote? It’s because the system

She’s probably right about that, but the thing is, who cares? I would rather live in a country where the majority population is not conscripted into stupid wars started by idiots, that the option is left open for volunteers. It’s a selfish position for me to take, but it’s a realistic position that 90% of other people

How about the fact that women are severely under-represented in all levels of government, which decides on whether we go to war? No taxation without representation and all that.

Okay, I get it, you’re a disingenuous piece of shit. Sorry I took you seriously, my mistake.

You don’t have the capacity to care for both? You do understand that the only party that is culpable in such attacks is the individual who carried them out, not every single member of that person’s religion in the world, right? You should care if one person’s inflammatory (to say the least) actions cause hate crimes

It’s like you’ve never even heard of double standards.

Think about what you’re saying. Hillary won the primary in large part by dominating Bernie in the African American vote. To expect her to get the same turnout as the first black president is unrealistic. To assume Bernie would have done better is just willfully obtuse.

Honestly, I’m from Pennsylvania, the populous affluent suburbs of Philadelphia that handed Trump the state, and Trump lawn sign country. Purely anecdotal, sure, but of all the Trump voters I know, and I know plenty, I do not know a single one of these decent people that you’re talking about that were just waiting to

That argument cuts both ways. The vitriol leveled at Clinton supporters and Clinton herself over the last week has been vicious. We expect Republicans to be sore winners, but getting kicked while we are down by disgruntled Bernie supporters is particularly painful and resentment breeding. You are going to need the

The Gawker award was excessive and likely would not have stood up on appeal had they not settled, but having a snippet of your sex tape published on the internet seems like a pretty harrowing experience to me. There is a lot that is enraging about how Gawker was destroyed by a vengeful billionaire, but it doesn’t

Look, I’m sure you didn’t mean anything by it, but it’s a common trope for people to demean the warmth/motherhood skills of women who are professionally successful. Nothing Clinton does in her campaign is fair game to assume that she isn’t, for instance, a loving grandmother to Chelsea’s kid. In fact from what Chelsea

If Any Schumer making a silly video to a Beyoncé song is what constitutes racism nowadays, we have come a long way. Except wait, no, we haven’t. Go to a Trump rally to see what racism actually looks like. Your attitude of taking harmless peccadillos and conflating them with actual racism ironically alienates a lot of