
Considering her mother sounds like an exceptionally wonderful human, going on her honeymoon with her mother is the opposite of embarrassing.

I can’t remember his whole spiel, because my brain was filled with the enraged screams of my primal warrior ancestors and I was battling to keep a pleasant expression on my face.

So... off topic, but I’d like to point out: The whole “white” thing didn’t stem from purity. It was a fashion thing — a way for wealthier folks to show off that they could afford to buy a dress in such an impractical color and wear it only once. That’s why, when you look at old photos, most brides are just wearing a

When your country decides to actually provide decent paid maternity leave, then perhaps we’ll talk. Till then....nope. You don’t get to whine about this.

I used to comment regularly on Jezebel for years (under a different name) and stopped because of the feeling the author describes when someone she assumed would be an ally made her feel unwelcome.

Semantics. There isn’t really a right answer without defining our terms. To me she was paid to recieve the tip onstage and so it’s like she was paid to appear in a thatrical performance. If Martin Scorsese does a film that involves the delivery of a pizza, and he uses an actual delivery person in the scene, then gives

So, I’m happy for this woman, but frankly I’d rather Christians just stopped writing in “I give God 10%, why do you get 15%” and leaving tiny Bibles in place of tips. This is the real world, and you don’t get forgiven for being shitty to countless servers just because you were really really nice to one.

I used to ask myself questions like that all the time. Then I stopped. Nothing will change until we eradicate the old guard — they don’t know they’re doing anything wrong. They probably looked at that photo and mentally patted themselves on the back for including two black men, like they’re the reason Wilmore and Noah

What’s it like being “that guy”?

If the judge’s contempt stems from frustration that victims often drop complaints, she did the absolute worst thing she could have done. Victims are already terrified to press charges; the judge just announced to victims everywhere that the very worst thing they can ever do is seek help through the legal system,

Judges need to be trained to not exascerbate those in compromised mental states. People with PTSD *can’t just suck it up* (as the teaPartiers falsely believe.)

I didn’t even think of that! And now I’m thinking how much it would suck for me if it were a custom to decorate weddings with cats and ragweed. I would die.

I was vegetarian for about a year and it ended up a lot like cigarettes.

I only eat meat when I’m drunk. Only when it’s offered. Only on weekends. Well, if you’re having the burger I might as well too. Hey, can I bum a chicken wing? I swear, I’m a social carnivore.

Now I eat meat occasionally but only smoke when I’m

LOOK, OK. SO. It was a bucks night, alright, and all they bought was ribs. And I was friggin trashed, cos thats really not my scene. And the ribs came with potatoes, and I was just dipping the potatoes in the rib sauce and juices oh god it was so good and i felt so sick the next day and I’ve never told anyone this,

The nicest thing I can say about all of this is that I’m glad those with Celiacs have more options than ever before.

Egg white omelettes are disgusting and if you’re not eating the yolk you don’t deserve any eggs.

I’m lucky, in that mine can be relatively easily shortened into a little white fitted shift party dress. I LOVE the back of it, so I plan to wear it to parties for years to come.

Given that Halloween is coming up and all sorts of stupid lore about treats laced with tricks will soon full the media, here is a simple trick to detect illicit drugs in your confections: