
What part of deciding not to get unnecessary plastic surgery is "objectively unhealthy," again?

Boob jobs and tummy tucks are hardly objectively healthy lifestyle choices.

I'm so fascinated by these people. Do things usually work out for them exactly the way they want? Do they usually get treated get treated like royalty? I don't understand.
One time when I was moving, I was looking for a friend or someone to buy or just take my (huge) desk from me because I wasn't going to keep it. So

Not *all* bathroom stories...(sorry!). These tales did remind me, in a roundabout way, of a now-defunct place I worked at in San Francisco's Tenderloin. One of my regulars was a Vietnam veteran who had lost an arm in the war. Near the end of his meal, he'd hand me a little paper bag and say, "roll one for me and one

I hope they get an icecream cone on a really hot day and as they go to take their first lick it falls off in to the dirt.

If you need lobster to enhance your mac-n-cheese, you're doing it wrong.

I lost my hair due to cancer treatment, and had a henna artist decorate my head. It was amazing, and so very empowering. For a week or so (mine didn't last anywhere near two weeks), I wasn't ashamed to go out without a hat; I loved feeling like my bald head wasn't just a marker of illness, but also a beautiful

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Although we did do a henna crown for a patient with brain cancer after her surgery :)

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Hi Mark, my name is Frances, I'm the founder of Henna Heals. Thanks so much for the post! Truly honoured to be featured on Jezebel! (As you can imagine I'm a huge fan.) I just wanted to clarify that not all these women are undergoing cancer treatment, the woman at the bottom actually has alopecia. You can watch the

I played the Jewish edition of Apples to Apples once (no, really—it exists), and we realized quickly that the round-ruining trump card was Elie Weisel. Every time it came up it won because god, what kind of person could say anything or anyone was better than Elie Weisel? No one had the heart to argue against him.

Someone dear to me got a gigantic, fierce dragon henna'd on her skull when she lost her hair to chemo. And then, towards the end of the treatment, she got a phoenix. <3

My mother's day was fabulous, I slept in until 0900, went for a 7 mile run, ate some delicious pickled cucumbers and an egg salad sandwich, got well laid, and am determinedly trying to get to the end of the Internet. It's now 4:30, I think I'm going to take a nap in my daughter's room so Mr. DiscoBall can keep

This entire post makes me want to go back to drinking, because it is so horribly, harshly, incredibly on point.

No restaurants for us today. I'm a single mom of a 10 yr old boy. We're going to see the new Spiderman movie using movie gift card from my dad and the boy is excited to buy the popcorn using his piggy bank funds. "Popcorn's on me, Mom!" I bet it won't be very crowded.

The ten year old served me these this morning. You can keep your nasty old waffles, Pinkham, I shall be enjoying my made from scratch smiley pancakes.

My late mother always said "You are NOT taking me out to a restaurant on Mother's Day. That's when all the people who never eat out are at restaurants, and I'm not eating with those idiots."

Once a girl (white) claimed she was part NA because she was from Oklahoma. No lineage, no nothing, just "Oh, well I'm from Oklahoma, so I have some NA in me."

parenting is mostly voodoo. this seems like as good of a strategy as any

I forget where I even found this.