
It’s extremely ugly. This just shows how dumb the Trumps are.

You drop dead.

A great candidate if you’re the King of a country where women who are raped get executed for adultery.

We needed a real progressive. Not a corporate shill.

agreed. Fuck white males. The internet would seriously be a better place if we got rid of every fucking white male and banned them from posting anywhere.

You’re a fool. The only difference between Trump and Hitler is the hairpiece.

Quoting twitter? How cute.

You’re a brit. You know nothing of American white supremacy.

Agreed. Obama is probably the most inspiring person that the world has given us in the past millenia or so.

How about just genocidal maniacs? We already know that the alt-right preaches a scorched earth policy where they believe in the genocide of everyone that isn’t a white American male.

And nobody is more racist than white people. So why should we listen to what they think?

Now you sound like Donald Trump. Stop sounding like Donald Trump please before I start throwing things again.

Typically of the right. They wouldn’t have a problem with literally sterilizing single mothers and killing the offspring.

Exactly. Sexual molestation is.

Can we put a wall around Trump tower to keep them in? Preferably electrified with class shards and razor wire at the top.

It’s horrible. America treats women worse in the workplace than literally any other country on earth and it’s only going to get more terrible under Trump. Hell we already live in a country where men think its OK to rape your coworkers.

I was dead serious. We’ll see if I’m right though, or more accurately you will because I’m going back to Canada where gay people are actually protected from hate.

Hypothetical question. Would it be morally justified to purge the alt-right in order to save the earth? I’m leaning towards yes.

Exactly. Proof that these people are fucking fascists. It will be amazing if we get out the Trump presidency with a body count lower than the Holocaust.

True. But can we all agree fuck what white people think?

That guy is probably right though. How much cooperation do you think he’s going to get from people that he mocked for being war heroes, called “Lyin” as a nickname, and generally insulted/bashed the entire campaign?

A google search for “alt right” forum will do well enough. If you actually want to hear right wingers talk radio is also a good way to hear what they’re thinking. I’d recommend Levin since he’s much smarter than Limbaugh/Hannity and somewhat better hinged than Savage.

Assuming you can stand his obnoxious, nasal voice.