
HOA’s exist as often as they do because the government made HOA’s mandatory to get financing for certain types of housing.

He’s a proof that the system is completely broken. The man is completely illiterate and has money when there are many people who deserve it better. I propose we redistribute the wealth of Donald Trump.

Cult is the right word to describe it. They’d happily poision themselves if you claimed it was for fucking “white power”

And fuck everyone who voted for him. Seriously. If you voted for Trump I wouldn’t shed a tear if you got hit by a bus or you get killed by a racist redneck.

Funny you should mention “Slave owning”. We’re going to have slave owning brought back. it’s what he means when he fucking says “Make AMerica Great Again”.

Ask fucking Hillary Clinton. They were trying to prop up Trump as an easy to beat Strawman candidate, when they were too fucking inside the corporate butthole bubble to hear what the fuck the rest of America was complaining about. Sanders did give a fuck, and actually cared.

That’s why it was stupid. White people don’t

You’re asking us to prove that? That would be like trying to prove ghosts exist.

But it’s not fucking “ridiculous”. Sanders out-polled Trump in all they key demographics that made Trump win.

Stop being ignorant or willfully fucking stupid. They reviewed the data and the odds are millions to one that Hillary won without vote fraud. The anomolies were all in states with electronic voting in DNC primaries too which makes it even less likely to be an accident, plus the emails showed staff collaborating to

And it’s sad about the mental illness too.

Take it from me though because I’ve been there and struggled with problems. We don’t make flippant jokes about out problems because society tells us we have to or forces us to. We make flippant jokes about it because if we joke about the pain we take away some of its power.

I was about to say the same thing. Does EVERYTHING have to be about sex with these people? Jeez they’re almost as obsessed with it as fucking Republicans.

There’s nothing to get. Most of rural America isracist andthey proved it by giving Trump their votes. Hence why I feel 100% fucking justified in calling them ignorant hicks.

So much. If people believe him theywill fucking believe anything.

Blame the white people who elected him because of their fucking racism.

Agreed. Fuck the hicks that got us to this mess.

Fuck you Trump. The only swamp that needs draining is my swamp-ass.

Are you literally insane? The auditated foundation documents show the Clintons were using it to dip into the funds and support their lifestyle.

That’s why we needed Bernie. His fucking net worth didn’t blow up ridiculous after serving....and he was a man where “serving in office” actually means “serving”

The Fucking Russians put their sock puppet into office. We didn’ choose this.


Monogomy kills my boner.

Well...I hate Trump more than just about anyone else here(check my post history) but you may have a point. I guess I shouldn’t hate the point because he said it.

Would a German civil war have been worth it to keep Hitler out of power?

Yes. Fewer people would have died. It would be worth it here too.