
Fuck Steve Harvey and his holier-than-thou attitude since he found Jesus. He’s right up there with Omarosa and Stacey Dash as far as I’m concerned. If those three want to do any type of community outreach that helps black people then they need to collaborate with Mr. John Lewis. He helped break down walls held up by

Well, more people voted for Clinton, they just were not in the right slave owning areas. More people do want progress, they just weren’t heard.

I always figured it was more along the lines of why rich dudes used to buy sports teams. More “Look at this awesome thing I have that you want” than “Oh man, isn’t this awesome”.

Look, I think he’s a big douche. But you can’t really bag on him for this one. He’s just calling a spade a spade. The reality is that there was little to no real oversight that ever called this program on its absurdity.

Wars have been declared for less.

Just a theory....but if we declare war with Russia couldn’t Obama start a state of emergency and prevent the inauguration?

It would be worth it to keep Trump out of power.

I think all of this is incredibly simple.

“Everything happens faster now” is bullshit. And precisely why I gave examples like TV and fridges to show that it doesn’t.

A Fed scientist at the USDA? Why hasn’t the FDA banned Glyphosate? Oh yeah, you have ex-Monsanto heads at the FDA.

Fuck Hillary supporters who said “Nah, they aren’t tilting this thing towards Hillary” even though the DNC head WAS a former Clinton Co-Chair? Fuck them for nominating a Female George Bush that got caught in lie, after lie, after lie and instead of owning up, decided to blame Russia and bemoan that Trump said mean

If you’re having anxiety, remember this:

best case scenarios for lower wage workers

Wow ya’ll bitch so much about the objectification of women, but you use a clearly sexual picture to grab the reader, then you showcase the cosplay aspect, this is objectification!!!! she uses it to her advantage and so do ya’ll when it suites.