
Fuck those fascists at Breitbart. Preferably with a golf club.

They’re emboldened right now, not afraid. That’s the problem. Now that they’re no longer afraid they feel free to carry out their genocidal beliefs.

I feel you. There’s a very real risk that 4 years from now we’ll be having death squads out hunting LGBT and POC.

Is there any way to figure out who these trolls are and expose them? Sending a protest to their front door, literally, or protesting their employers for hiring people who support bigotry could go a long ways. I’m also sure their family members would be shamed.

Those fucking bigots and fascists will find you no matter what you do.

Because they’re fascists. The only way to stop them is to kill them.

So true. Trump is literally the second coming of Hitler. We should all be afraid. Move while you still can.

Aren’t you white?

If you think it bothers them, go to the most popular club in your town and see what kind of guys they leave with after last call. Guarantee you the guys who seem like they’d really respect a women aren’t the ones with the most success.

That’s what happens when you have a fucked up culture.

Funny you should cite the Iraq war as your point when the Iraq war was only possible because Hillary undermined Democratic opposition to it.

Goes both ways. Hillary’s campaign rested largely on suggesting that a large swathe of the country was morally reprehensible and needed to be cleansed.....classic fascist tactic.

You should be less scared of Trump. We can survive Trump. What we can not survive is a country where tolerance for discourse is gone.

Of course it’s not fun. You’ve been shitting on the economically underprivileged this entire time, writing them off as lazy and stupid but forgetting they get a vote too.

It’s still got jack shit on Receiver.

If you want a better option look to Garret from the original Dark Project. He’s a chosen here and fights it the whole way until he gets duped into becoming a central actor.

Fuck you. I hate the SJW insult. Since when is it a bad thing to care about social justice?

You should be ashamed of youself for judging a woman based on her breast measurement. This is why we are fighting against rape culture on display for all to see.

The problem gets into a common issue in statistical analysis: your analysis can be completely, 100% correct and rigorous in every way possible....but if you are modeling inputs that don’t approximate what is driving things in the real world then your resulting conclusions will be completely wrong.

That’s why the

Nice post but you completely missed the entire point. Posting sexy cosplay for clicks is not materially different than Budweiser using bikini models to make you pay attention to the beer.

You mean bullshit?

Because both sources are full of bullshit.

Having an opinion isn’t interesting. You know what they say about opinions and assholes.

I think he accused them of pro establishment bias.

That part’s actually plausible since they’re owned by a Saudi.