
A bill, written by Epic’s lobbyists (Epic funded and co-founded the Coalition, something Gizmodo’s articles never seem to disclose), was killed by Google and Apple lobbyists. Anyone pretending this is anything else is either (a) willfully disingenuous, or (b) totally ignorant as to how the process works and who the

There are plenty of us hobbyists who still want to use our phones with a tripod.

I’ve been an iOS developer for over a decade now. I’ve submitted hundreds if not thousands of builds for review.

You may not get the appeal of the iMac, but a lot of people see their computers as an appliance. Something you just put on the desk, plug in, and turn on is *really* attractive. Combine that with the cost premium of a notebook — especially and Apple notebook — and you have a solution that works for most people. Back

“Donating” to the CEO’s six figure salary is what you’re doing. Troops get $0.75 per $5 box they sell.

Antitrust laws pertain to anticompetitive practices that strip a consumer of choice.

I mean the bill was obviously written by Epic’s lobbyists so it’s not even vaguely surprising that the bill ignores consoles

I would assume because even with redundant systems they STILL have to be radiation hardened anyway. Because of the lack of magnetic field like we have here anything even slightly vulnerable to radiation needed to be hardened. like the article said

Only if it keeps going long enough for for a unit to be upgraded a few times.
If it fails to get a critical mass of adopters early on, there won’t be upgrades 4 years from now.

There were a bunch of modular smartphones announced a few years back.  Many of them failed after a year or two, the rest are not lighting the

Seems to me that if Facebook marketing becomes less useful, small business will go back to their local ad agencies for help. Agencies that are...wait for it...also small businesses. Seems like a win-win.

They have less than 25% of the phones sold. They have great marketing, possibly distorting their apparent influence and the profitability of the company. Apple tablets do reach over 55%, with Samsung at 25%, so they do dominate there, but the alternatives aren’t so attractive. For PCs they are such a small percentage

Considering it is fairly well in line with your usual rhetoric, yes. Yes I did.  But what you imply is right: I shouldn’t take the things you write seriously. 

It’s more than a cheap shot. Let’s call a spade a spade. Bradley’s an entitled self-righteous prick who feels best when he’s forcing his ideals on others. 

Obviously the best plan is to force all Americans to” 

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Reminded me of the twin engined Tiburon that was in Sport Compact Car way back:

20 grand for a magazine project cover car built with Racing Beat? Nice Price all day.

To each their own, but I wholeheartedly disagree with leaving a kid in the car. Especially a 4 year old that’s old enough to hop out and join you. It takes less than a minute for someone to steal a car. Even if you can “see your car and kid,” by the time you react, its too late.

That one’s still very much in use with the RX-8 crowd since they are prone to flood if cold-started repeatedly without being warmed up, especially as compression drops with age. Flooring the gas causes the ECU to stop injecting fuel while cranking in a specific “de-flooding” mode.

“Posi” rear-ends. I know it started as a brand name but people started using it to denote limited-slip diffs pretty regularly. Haven’t heard it much lately other than older guys talking about old cars.

Related, I never hear anyone use “DUBs” as a generic wheel term anymore either.