
First, keep in mind that this was 2800 employees out of the 130,000 employees at Apple. Best case its 2,800 out of the 12,000 at the campus (which I doubt).

They sell remote tethers on Amazon.  Ours is connected to an end table by what looks like curly phone cord as one of the kids has a habit of walking off with it.

and they control the terms that their competitors must comply with to gain access to their stores.”


Tim Cook once said, “An iMac customer can have bezels in any color that they want, so long as they’re white.”

I think 128 is still too small for a laptop but 256 rarely feels too little. Mostly I have issues when doing goofy things like installing windows apps via wine/crossover.

No they aren’t.  Just go look at their website.  You clearly have no idea what you are spouting.

Haha, you know those charts were made by Intel and don’t represent any standard benchmark.  

But maybe Apple’s fine with that. If they are, then it’s fine.

If they have a chip that tops 95% of the chip market and its low powered and scales to multiple architectures, it seems like its the greatest benefit to the consumer for them to scale it to every product. Its clearly priced cheaper than their previous chips (AX-bionics family) as they were willing to put it in the

As a result, its products are a favorite of law enforcement agencies across the U.S., and police frequently use them to gather evidence from seized devices.

That is a pretty ridiculous take considering the vast number of businesses switching users to tablets for field operations.

I’m not sure where you get your info but you should go check out real world testing of the M1. It blows away nearly everything out there AND can be had in an $800 device with a killer screen.

I read this more that their union has done nothing to fix an international mess that essentially imprisons the crew while blackmail is discussed.  Boat laws are messed up.

Its the same for both.

Assume you are talking about the MBP as the new iMac doesn’t have a pro version yet.  It seems that droves of creative professionals currently are and have been ok with 8/16gb in their macs.

I just don’t see this in real world use.  Nearly all the “big” data has been offloaded to the cloud and external storage is cheap.  I’m much more inclined to not want single large drives considering the failures that tend to be inevitable.

It’s $1500 with a $500 monitor so a $1000 pc at best. We aren’t talking about their high end computers. Outside of the rabid class of PC users that are high end gamers, there isn’t a task this wont do that any PC remotely close to the price will match. It seems like you haven’t taken a look at the M1 specs compared to

Interesting, lately I’ve felt the opposite. I’m sick of needing multiple options to perform the same task or set of tasks. Just give me a single solution that works for work, school, projects and even gaming (as far as my kids are concerned).

But cars are already viewed as useful and necessary things that can be seriously deadly in the wrong hands and need to be properly regulated. You need to meet a certain age and ownership requires testing, licensing, and databases of users. Every adult has the right to own a car, but you lose that right when you misuse