
This one always bugged me. Our schools literally have people standing outside willing to hand food (breakfast and lunch) to anyone who wants it all day long (including weekends). They don’t care if you are a kid or an adult. Enrolled or not. Have the kids with you or not. Walk (drive) up, ask for x number of meals,

Considering the amount of garbage on the roads in CA, I highly doubt a trace amount of copper is the end all issue here.  What CA should do is deal with the fact that they have massively sub par drainage solutions across the lower half of the state due to minimal rainfall.  The runoff from roads is the issue, not the

The vault is so insane. The tour guide will just walk by cars you have never seen in real life as they just don’t even register on the cool scale. Our last tour we gathered around a legit 250 LM just to have him tell us the GT40 next to it was the one driven by Jacky Ickx

None.  Living in Southern CA makes you pretty immune to caring about it.  The off chance that we get some snow, ill most likely just need my cell phone to call in all the extra accidents around town that I’m likely to come across.

They suck.

Anyone have a recommendation for an online service manual that is worth a damn and doesnt look like scanned haynes manuals in every diagram?

Nice, take your star

Worked at a chain tire store (a good one at that) and this was the approved method.  We had flip impacts that worked perfect and never needed replacement.  In fact, they worked better used than new.

After $10k in parts, sure its a great engine.  There are two of them sitting in puddles of oil at my in laws and a 7.3 with 300k on it.

The used market diesel tax is so insane these days that it has completely turned me away from the idea of owning one. $10k+ premiums on anything that isn’t a 6.0-6.4. People wanting $40k for a 10 year old vehicle that was barely $40k new.

There is a real Dodge Caliber done up at work in a similar fashion.  Its done well, I just don’t know why you would invest the money.

Where we are there can be up to $2000 worth of repaired “damages” to a new vehicle before it has to be declared. The body shop I worked at somehow nearly every vehicle needed $1900 worth of work.

Just make sure to add license plate holes to that option list as well.  I’m sure you can trust me to drill them on my own...

Its going to be like Torch always recommending something ridiculous isn’t it. We’re going to get a SMART for every one of these aren’t we...

That’s...not true at all. California (and specifically LA) is spiking hard. They have a high mask adoption rate, mandatory mask laws, and antidotal evidence shows nearly everyone wearing them at all times (even driving alone...).

Weird, I always thought those were German specs...

That's quite ironic.

Yea, but all the cars in those states seem to require your car being a giant advertisement for the dealer it was bought from.

Really enjoying that plate.  Seems surprising coming out of New Hampshire.

I’m not sure its any secret at all how epic it was. It wasn’t just ahead of its time, it felt like light years ahead. Anyone who was any kind of skyline fan knew all about this.