
I have two words why people do not feed cats tuna rather than cat food:  cat farts

That bar chart shows the M1 running photoshop through the x86-64 translation to native ARM....

The ‘problem’ is that Epic are being attention-seeking hypocrites. Their games are also featured with SONY and Microsoft, both of which also take a 30% cut of sales and services … the difference is that Microsoft and SONY have either paid Epic millions of dollars, or provided services and exposure at no charge (also

… [Apple] should give people options on apps to install when they first set up their phone or iPad.

Is having the app store with millions of apps like Spotify not enough of an option? Does Apple have to actively promote competing services over their own?

Is Australia in cahoots with Verizon? Oh, the unbridled thrill of being able to install even more crapware on Android devices on top of layering it thick on iPhones is surely making Hans Vestberg orgasm right now.

Hey Gizmodo, is there supposed to be a giant fucking advertisement at the top of the page in all this white space? Giant intrusive ads like that are exactly why I continue to use an ad blocker.

Tim Cook once said, “An iMac customer can have bezels in any color that they want, so long as they’re white.”

Man, and taken down just before the Oscars too.

They’re limiting what a MacBook can do because it doesn’t have a touch screen…

I come from 2 years into the future with a headline from the latest Apple event:

I’m probably not the only one who even as a PC proponent is very curious on what the end game is for iPadOS and MacOS.

Yeah I can find benchmarks that show M1 beating an Intel I9 - (

For the record, every time I get that stupid newsletter pop-up on any for the former Gawker sites, I submit the form with the email of Given how often they cross-post stories between the sister sites, I think it’s working.

Interesting that you use Intel slides and link an article that explicitly states that the slides are shenanigans due to cherrypicking and SKU-switching.

Dude. He wasn’t being literal. “Falling off a truck” has long been a way of protecting a source or covering up for theft.

> There’s your explanation. Apple doesn’t make high-end computers. They just make expensive computers, with very limited options.

I’m waiting for WWDC just to see if something different happens in the Apple Silicon space aimed at professionals. My 2014 5k iMac has performed like a champ during WFH and is still going just fine so I have time, I think.

Have you actually looked at any testing people have done with the M1? The macbook Air has no active cooling and only ever so slightly throttles thermally, and that is like when you are doing full on 4k video editing in Final Cut. The processor has the raw speed, it also has refined speed. Raw speed only gets you so

While I’ve been an iPhone user since its inception, iMessage doesn’t even remotely figure into why I stay on the platform, and I’m having a hard time imagining the person for whom that would be the dealbreaker as far as a move in concerned. I just like the seamless way I’m able to transfer all my shit from my old