
Ain’t this taking the long way around to say “Dude, buy my car?”

they let these fucking crackers take over the goddamn capitol building!

I have no idea how these people decide their cars are worth 300% market price. 

This one is pretty egregious. 14 year old Escalades and GM small block turbo kits aren’t that expensive. If you really wanted to duplicate this truck mechanically you wouldn’t have much trouble doing so for $8-10K less than asking here.

Am I the only one that heard Scottie Kilmer when scrolling past the main page photo?  I almost panic-closed my browser when I saw it, before I realized it was someone else...

The data from the subcommittee’s report should have been included in the story, along with some perspective. There is so much data missing, that even that number is irrelevant.

What percentage of those were due to an insufficient booster seat?

Ford sells over a million trucks per year. It is blatantly obvious that they’re building trucks people want to buy. What you want will never happen for the price you demand with today’s safety regulations. Ever.

When you take a serious problem and treat it as a lever for existing social issues rather than playing it straight, you can’t be surprised when people start treating it as a proxy for those other issues instead of taking it seriously.

It’s weird if you don’t read any of the accompanied material and only assume this is done all for cars. Hyundai Motor is just realigning it’s business strategy to give itself opportunities that are not tied to a potentially dying industry.

Don’t you get a prompt the first time you open Messages about iMessage including a link to the iMessage privacy stuff? And in Settings, there’s a link in Messages that provides access to this:

Except Apple has now doused them with cold water by announcing their own apps will also have the label, and apps pre installed on the phone will have their labels on (this will likely get moved to iPhone in the future as it’s the only thing they have left to whine about). Nice try Facebook.

Clearly his tires were overinflated by 0.5 PSI.  

1. The Petersen is amazing. DO NOT cheap out. Get tickets to the Vault tour. You will see things that will blow your mind.

I work in advertising (commercial production) and I can tell you exactly why: people take themselves too seriously nowadays.


Well, Duh......known this since I was a kid, when Dad would fart in the car, and we’d have to roll the windows down to get rid of the stench.

I’ll add that if you plan ahead, making this part of your annual cleaning means you can schedule it during the summer when you can open your windows and help vent the fumes. It should also go without saying that this isn’t something you should leave to its own devices and turn on before you head out for a few hours.

Headline: Don’t use your oven’s self cleaning function

This really doesn’t give a compelling reason as to why a person shouldn’t use the self cleaning feature. We run ours about once a year. Common sense says you should remove any large chunks of food or spills before running it. It doesn’t smell great when the self cleaning cycle runs, but we’ve never had a house full of