
This is GM. They always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Seriously, a normal sane person who notices this would think, huh Top-Gear seems to have mixed up the video and move on with their lives and let the experts (Guinness) do their due diligence. Meanwhile in the wacky real world we now live in these people spent countless hours trying to prove SSC didn’t set a record.

You hectoring anyone else what feels the same about gas stoves as I do or am I just your special project today?

I’m willing to concede that it’s just a placebo effect, because frankly I couldn’t tell you the appreciable difference in cooking that I get from nudging the gas dial to just past 3 as opposed to maybe just trying 3, but in my bones I feel like just past 3 is more right.

We’re talking about gas stoves, not Exxon. Pay closer attention to class.

Gas stoves are perfectly fine and safe for cooking. Have been for many decades. If they were bad, we’d have know about it well before today. THe restaurant industry has been proving this for a very long time. SOme advantages:

I honestly had no idea that gas stove emissions were this bad.

Tough titty. I’ll cook with gas until it is banned by law and a new induction cooktop, including all installation charges — so, replacement of my oven and a new countertop — are paid for by the government. And, I get to pick the new oven and cooktop. Also, my electricity rate is going to have to be as low as my gas

It takes time to track these things down. Especially something like this where:

Are you suggesting that environmental idealism SHOULD NOT abandon the poor to starvation?

I find it interesting that people keep talking about “Oil Subsidies” as some evil intent when it is just typical corporate tax deductions that every other industry also has.

Literally nothing special about the deductions they use to offset losses and costs.

In case anyone is wondering what they really are:

You say subsidies, but I don’t think you know what it means in the context of the oil industry. You say “google it”, but if you can’t clearly explain it in your post, then you are probably talking out of your ass

The absurd volatility in oil prices over the last 10+ years means these management teams do have to be incredibly nimble despite running globally-scaled businesses.  There is not another market when prices collapse 80% and the companies still find ways to make money.

But you have to be smart and creative when that commodity tanks in value and the demand falls off a cliff, especially if your company relies on it to make money. Then the decision making comes into play (not just cutting jobs and production). 

Tell that to Venezuela. They failed to reinvest their oil money into modernizing their operations, and now their costs are more than their income.

Unless you’re dismayed that you missed an investment opportunity for the long term, please just shut the fuck up.

I’m beginning to think that’s his gimmick. Used to stoke rage with, in turn creates page traffic.

Couple things. Those big wigs that make a ton of money running multi-billion dollar corporations aren’t dumb.

Man who writes about things that destroy the environment bitches about company that fuels them. Film at 11.

Jalopnik: “Drive green or die.”