
Anybody notice an overall increase in bad driving lately? At least in my area, people seem to be even worse than normal these past few weeks. More red light runners, more jumping out of driveways into traffic, more aggressive merging... heck, more aggression in general. Think the election season has anything to do

I disagree with absolutely every assertion Erik writes here, and hope that AB5 dies the miserable death it so richly deserves.

All the people who keep ragging on Uber and Lyft are going to wake up one day in CA to no ridesharing services at all - and all the people that were making SOME money off their side gig will now be making NO money off their side gig. Like the old saying goes, “Be careful what you ask for”.

You should check the CA laws for how much the “Franchise Fee and Filing Fees” are before you shoot your mouth off too much more.  $750 is a bargain.

Replying to a comment from the live thread:

I think you are why we the non-married ones off...

You need a name change - Eric THUNDER.

“All my friends moved away and don’t talk to me anymore, it must be them!”


Don’t forget that car companies should only be selling slightly upfitted versions of the Changli.  

Torchinsky’s Changli and that MINI EV are interesting toys and source of amusement but there’s no universe that exists where I’m buying one to actually use. You could pay me to take one and I’d just donate it to the local fire company for EV fire training and take the write off.

What’s wild is that GM, the parent of GMC, has already produced a cool, popular electric car that fits that bill. The Hong Guang MINI EV is available in China for a bit more than $4,100. The average American drives 31 miles per day (at least before the pandemic), which is less than half the range of this little guy.

What’s wild is that GM... has already produced a cool, popular electric car that fits that bill... It’s the perfect solution... and yet the company doesn’t sell it in the U.S.

The original Hummer was conceived as a way for civilians to play war, driving around a street-“friendly” version of the Humvee, a war machine used to plunder foreign lands for riches. The Humvee was an essential tool in the Iraq War, a disastrous conflict manufactured to grab control of oil. In a neat symmetry,

yeah, I don’t get the hate.
This comment “The world does not need an electric truck..”

Trucks are needed. People buy them for practical purposes, why is the author so against those people using EVs? I’m not saying this truck would ever be used for that, but ones like the Cybertruck and electric F-150 could be. And if a

God. The iraq war? Designed to kill people? Do you realize how stupid you sound? Does a review from someone that self-admittedly has no interest in the topic make a lot of sense? We have tons of space in this country (unlike China) What road was clogged solely by a vehicle with a limited run of under 5,000? Why don’t

To speed up the electrification of personal transportation, the best thing companies could do is roll out cheap EVs. What’s wild is that GM, the parent of GMC, has already produced a cool, popular electric car that fits that bill. The Hong Guang MINI EV is available in China for a bit more than $4,100. The average

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