
It might be a US thing but yea, its pretty crazy at the end of the day.  Just goes to show that cost is always relative.

That light bar is $1500?! I figured everyone had one because they were cheap.

Looks more like a time attack car than anything.  I wonder if that's another goal with it.


You are completely wrong. Drinks are where nearly all restaurant’s profit significantly (soft drinks at fast food, bar drinks at most restaurants). They are practically 100% profit.

You are right, Apple should mark up all the apps and keep the profit!

The cost of a soda for McD is something between $0.05 and $0.18 depending on what you factor in (cup, ice, energy, labor, etc).  Why do you think that McDonalds pays the same price you do at walmart?  Depending on time and location a large soda will set you back $2-$3. Do the math.

I can assure you there is a massive difference in what you are referring to. Garbage is what is currently on TV which promotes some horrifying topics to small children. Its not the problematic undertones from cartoons 50 years ago.  The content some parents let their kids watch is atrocious.  How many 6 years olds are

trying to circumvent the “Apple Tax,” the 30% cut that Apple gets of any in-app transactions on iOS,

You should go read that article closer.  Despite lumping Apple into the title, they are completely separate from what is happening with Google and FB.  

If you go looking for it, you will find something problematic in everything.

Love it.  The cars are completely ridiculous but have a ton of personality.  The orange one is amazingly well done.

Its not that big of a deal. Middle seat is empty, masks are mandatory (no pretend ones either). Just wash your hands before touching your face or eating. Many airports require a temp scan as well (whether you see it or not).

Missed opportunity by Saturn not offering the Vue Redline with a manual.


Not sure what it is about this design but it looks pretty bad. This is said as a die hard AM fan who normally proclaims their vehicles to be the best looking things on 4 wheels.

Seems this is what a typical day in New Mexico looks like.

Any reputable insurance company in CA forces you to have uninsured drivers insurance.


CA the plate stays with the vehicle. Combined with a massive percentage of people who don’t have insurance/registration and it becomes a pretty out of control situation.