
I don’t necessarily agree with your other points, I did think it was funny to hear a lawmaker demand to know where their tax cut money went.  It went to the same place EVERY SINGLE CORPORATION has spent their money in the last several years, stock buyback.

Eh, an Audi still often falls under the radar compared to other German offerings. It might be more sedate but that might be too much for someone who actually drops $70k+ on a fun sedan.

Weird, I get the opposite.  They should have dumped all the old names, picked new ones and then locked those in place.  The Malibu and Impala don’t remind people of the 60s, they remind them of the 90s.

Nissan will be out for other reasons.  They have followed FCA down the road of subprime car sales for a race to the bottom.  Combined with CEO problems and they will be cutting left and right soon.

I wonder if there is another ulterior motive here. I agree with the article but it seems that if GM was planning to focus on specific sectors, they could offer the displaced employees new jobs at another location. It seems GM might be killing two birds with one stone and purposefully dropping the employee base at

Weird, I keep phones for 2-3 years on average and tablets for much much longer. The battery life degrades but rarely more than 10-20% which is hardly enough for me to worry about. There are always chargers around and barring that I keep a portable one if I go where a charger might not be available.

Although the internet does a great job of burying any info about the guys salary, there are several articles pointing to dozens of his staff who all make north of $125k per year. You can assume he is pushing past $200k before benefits.

GM would not close any of its manufacturing plants in Canada during the contract period, which runs until September 2020.

Seems that this price is downright average for a lightly modified Abarth. There are a bunch near me for somewhere between $5000-$8500 with varying miles and titles. You can get an ultra low mile one in perfect condition for about $11k.

Having not owned a phone with a removable battery in well over 10 years (including work phones) I am honestly interested in what drives you to put that at the top of your list?  I have never had a reason in the last decade to even think to need to remove a battery.

After all that...maybe. It depends on which one is in there. There are a bunch of branded clocks in the Bentley and RR that aren’t very impressive. There are also ones that definitely are.

I’m well aware of Seiko’s qualifications from the Snowflake to Credor, hence why they started dominating the trials. Hell, I’m wearing a automatic Seiko as I type this. The point is that a cheap ($5,000) GS wouldn’t be on the wrist of your typical Bentley owner who would rather wear a $25,000 Daytona or $40,000 PP.

Although cool its really not that crazy these days. There are a ton of mechanical watches out there that are certified, many of which would be too cheap to be on the wrist of a Bentley owner.

To be fair, TA is basically the perfect venue to showcase electric vehicles.  Since its basically drag racing around a track they have more than enough chances to cool down or recharge without having to worry about “fuel” consumption or reliability.

Several of these look worse than they are (that’s not saying much) due to the change in pressure the fish undergoes being rapidly pulled from the depths. The eyes bulge out and swim bladders often protrude from the mouth. The orange fish in the middle of the set is just a rock cod (rockfish) that happens to be pretty

When you open up an automatic transmission can you cast the black magic yourself or does it have to be done by a trained wizard?

Figure out what they want to watch and how much it costs to buy it outright. My wife was stuck on a couple shows that she couldn’t stream through netflix and amazon. So we looked at buying every episode when it came out. It was still cheaper monthly and she didn’t have to mess with a DVR.

Good.  Its insane that they can advertise as being sold from Apple when its clearly a 3rd party retailer.  I’m not sure a full ban was the right way to address it but there were far too many grey sellers.

Came here for this.  Much cooler car considered crappy.

Yea, the movie isn’t rags to riches, its good to godlike and back to good. The car itself isn’t meant to be bad (until it gets thrashed).