
Curious what the real numbers for a M5 vs RS6 comparison are. The M guys are always fast to call the Audi’s “slow” but they are rarely far off from each other on comparable models.

My apple lightning cables last forever. Seriously, the entire structure can be broken and frayed and they charge fine. 3rd party cheap cables not so much.

Amazing. No idea what to think about the Rx7. I can’t tell if I like it or hate it.

When you linked the Chevrolet crash I was secretly hoping you were linking to a different one...

I might be the minority but I agree that more Autopilot crashes need reporting than every other car crash. That being said, the “reporting” that is out there reads more like a blog or opinion piece nearly every single time. Mostly because people want to get their news from places that don’t actually employee reporters.

The market for these kind of devices are what I point to when people want to blame the name of the system for people misunderstanding its use.

I’m sorry if I missed it but has there been one instance of autopilot being on with the driver following proper procedures where it resulted in a crash?

Living in LA County I don’t even notice the gas prices any more. We are so much more than anywhere else that it just feels like its always high and I’m used to it now.

Came here for this.

I’m having a hard time imagining a house that is old enough to not be properly vented but sealed up well enough to have this problem, especially with a car new enough to have a prox key. You would think the car would run out of gas before this killed anyone.

A couple things:

Einstein never actually learned how to drive

The close up sure makes it look like they matched the shape to the opening in the rear. Basically so instead of having a normal mirror with the two humps blocking part of your rear view, they designed a mirror that just doesn’t show them.

So autopilot is available on any given Tesla since 2014 and only at the end of 2017 does the NTSB issue a statement that it might not give enough warning to drivers? Either the NTSB is asleep at the wheel or they were purposfully turning a blind eye to this kind of thing. You don’t just figure this out after.

What do we mean by “mass resignation”? They have something like 70k employees and its seems like less than 10 resigned over this.

Still waiting for a NFL like overlay of the road with GPS arrows. Seems like it could be done fairly easily if you could project appropriately onto the window.

The CA average is low as well if you take that approach. LA county is massively more expensive if you discount the areas that most people wouldn’t dare to live. Anything inside the city is outrageous. We just checked the price on a 600sf apartment that was only $2600 a month.

in CA we plan to go on rainy days, especially in the summer time. Expect to get wet, its not very cold and most of the park clears out. All the rides stay open and you really get the run of the place.

My GF (now wife with many kids...) had season passes for Disneyland as it was only a couple hours away. We went all the time as it was just a fun place to hang out at if you enjoy Disney stuff at all.

All my tips usually revolve around Disneyland but a bunch of these could cross over. I do take exception to two of these though: