Prostate of Dorian Gray

There’s a lot of things wrong with our society, but I really think that you could tackle a lot of them just by an acceptance that this sort of masculinity is- put nicely- counterproductive.

Also, our education sucks.

Unpaid student athlete speaks anonymously: *angry response*

This is good Kinja.

Anonymous sources are only acceptable when it comes to smearing some kid’s draft stock for “character concerns.”

Now playing

This is all well and good, but Emmett Otter is still an underrated classic. So let's focus on the important things.

I got a “hot older bear likes fist up ass” notification for this????

I hate that fucking cop nation flag.  Every time I see it flown or on a shirt I know who to avoid. 

I mean, the article doesn’t say it’s as creepy as Saville, and I don’t think it is. But “not as bad as Jimmy Saville” is a pretty low bar to clear, and Walker’s predilection is still troublesome and kinda creepy.

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

A dude just booted a bar full of weight out of someones hand because the noise was bothering him and you tried to justify his action because the guy was filming himself.

“Why is everyone responding to my chainsaw juggling tips with comments about finger loss???”

Being a bit older, I got in trouble once for doing the Ravishing Rick Rude hip swivel in public around 8 or 9 years old

.01% of all weightlifting injuries are caused by lifting with a fully engorged boner.

Aaagh fuck, that gym (which looks great btw, I’d kill for that setup) has a dedicated deadlift area! Maybe that’s not the place for your precious delicate ears, Mr. Tough Guy.

“Ego lifting?” Isn’t that the entire point of the free weights in modern gyms?

He must work there or something

They banned him?  I think if you get thrown out of a gym you got barred.

I’ll need to get a ruling on this. I’m not a lifter, but it seems to me that gingerly placing the weights on the ground might be more dangerous. Not sure how the sound would trigger a rational thinking person. If it is dangerous to drop, I wonder if it’s more or less dangerous to have the weights kicked out of your

When the steroids make you confrontational, but the soy protein makes you weepy. - How I assume the deadlift cop arrived at his emotional state.