Prostate of Dorian Gray

This guy seems to have regular posting privileges, but some of these folks are just out of nowhere.

If it isn’t reparations freaking them out, it would be something else. Why court the idiot racist vote?  The solution to Donald Trump isn’t offering Republican Lite as the alternative.

Possibly the most tone deaf thing you’ve written on this site. 

“Hey you’ve got it better than the peasants in revolutionary France” isn’t the best footing for an argument.

There’s a zero percent chance that anyone procreated with you.  You don’t have to worry about telling a son anything. 

Homo?!  How did you post this from 1988?

Man, I would just quit Twitter altogether if that happened to me.

Straight men fear gay men because they worry that gay men will ignore their (straight men’s) boundaries in the same way straight men have ignored women’s personal boundaries. 

Also apparently “The Skiff” is the latest Tomatoface burner. 

It’s important to have limits on your empathy.

There’s a whole section of comments above that disagree. It’s gross, shitty victim blaming. On the other hand, they get to bust out that sweet “face eating leopard party” meme, so someone being sexually harassed is ok if they worked for the Trump campaign. Thank goodness these are the same folks administering the

That’s where they’ll talk in condescending, paternalistic tones about how you’re “low information voters” and you don’t realize that he’s been working hardest for black Americans. 

You already wrote a whole article about it above, Hamilton.

I finally read “The Stranger” a couple years ago and didn’t really get it. That you were reading it as a high schooler makes me feel even dumber than I usually do.

Seriously!  The guy had eight years and didn't fix everything wrong with banking, capitalism, income inequality, racism, the environment, and ice cream headaches.  Lazy bastard.  

“Nah, kiddo. I just work in libraries/archives. But if ya do want to make this personal, I’ll be more than happy to.”

I’m sorry.  Everything sucks right now.  I have taken several breaks from reading the news for my own sanity.  Take care of yourself. 

“I do want to mention why he runs for Democrat. Which is obvious, he would fuck the election if he ran independent.”

That’s 95% of the comments on The Root right now. A bunch of fucking idiots over there shitting on the dude that actually fights for them

Hey we haven’t seen you much recently. Everything going okay or are you just unplugging a little bit?