Prostate of Dorian Gray

The purity tests are for other candidates.

Sanders primary voters who voted for Trump: 10%”

Does NRA money count as “Wall Street” money or “Laundered Russian Bribe” money?

There was a spirited “Rock, Paper, Scissors” tournament to decide who wrote the announcement for Splinter. The runner up got to write another hit piece about Kamala Harris.  

Hopefully when he loses the nomination this time, his supporters can actually be motivated to vote against obvious, loud, nationalistic evil.

“I look for every opportunity to learn more so I have more firepower to either educate or shoot down those who have these fucked up ideas. Not to mention if there is a black person that I, however dumb this may sound based off of just internet interactions with, respect at a high level, that they have experienced

“Nu-uh” is not a valid counterpoint. 

Working at a university for the last 13 years turned me from a rabid college sports fan to someone completely disgusted by it. Seeing the sausage get made, in this case through a series of compromises that short change the student-athlete while all the adults around them get paid, was too much to ignore. I’m ready

“That said I think if you leave before the scholarship would be up you should have to pay it back”

That this guy is putting humans, with about 300,000 years as a species, at the top of the most interesting list is pretty tone deaf. “Sure dinosaurs had a 300 million year run, but clearly nothing happened in the 65 million years since them. We’re intelligent enough to create the causes of our own extinction, so we

It’s pushing 700 comments, on a Root article, mostly from people we never see here; That’s almost always bad. I’m surprised it’s not more of a shit show right now. 

Fealty is not a synonym for patriotism.  This kind of police overreach should terrify people.  

The Splinter staff got exactly what they wanted out of the purge.  This is how they like it.

No it isn’t!

My science-y bosses talk about preparing for extremes with climate change.  The intensity of hurricanes is one they like to point to a lot, but also lots of droughts and things of that nature. 

I have been asking Santa for a new culture since about 2007, but so far I just keep getting coal.

Was Soul Man somehow made by a Midwestern teen?  

Not knowing something is wrong and not caring something is wrong are two different things.  Soul Man was wrong then, people just pretended it wasn’t. 

Paulie and the other Danettes are going to be fielding some very confusing calls today on the show. 

It gets scary out Johnston Co. way.