Prostate of Dorian Gray

Since revolution tends to grind up the least among us instead of the people it should crush, let’s stick with reform.

That’s true, though. Ever been on The Root?”

Broad City is freaking awesome.  Enjoy!

Don’t you have an article to write about unionizing or the right way to powerlift?

Healing sick people without getting rich from it isn't American.  

Dude, that is a dark scenario you’re painting.  It may not be inaccurate, but wow. 

I also like to add four hours to my daily commute to and from work or shell out 20 bucks a day to be driven there. 

All those other unions that stand up for workers are just useless socialism. Only Police unions are valid and engaged in protecting police from dangerous civilian oversight or reforms.

Barry Goldwater was a loon and provided the GOP playbook that has been standard since Reagan.

If I were dating Rosario Dawson, it would be the first sentence out of my mouth in every conversation, even with people that I see multiple times a day.

Does he explain what growth the internal regret led to?  Is there something where he talks about confronting his own beliefs?  Or is it all just “well that was a long time ago” and everyone else is just supposed to assume he’s become a better person over the last 40 years as opposed to simply an older person?

Darkman was the shit.  I miss Sam Raimi making weird movies like that. 

Wait until they find out Eisenhower tried to get universal health care passed way back in the 50's.

Sweet dude! I got “centrist” and “unprompted AOC reference”. I’m going to read through a few more of your posts to see if my Splinter bingo card is a winner. Any chance you could work in “Hillary” and “He marched with MLK” for me? 

Splinter got the community they wanted. HamNo can keep approving all his Tomato-burners and no writers have to be criticized for stupendously bad takes.

“However, we also know that we aren’t going to convince the masses that what we do matters by getting a guy they saw in a movie to tell them that.”

“Civic duty?! Fuck that! I need to be inspired to get out and vote.”

I don’t know enough about him (and certainly don’t trust Splinter as a second resource), but the Dems could put up a feral barn cat against Trump in the general and still get my vote.

Maybe let’s not call a 49 year old black man “boy”.

Why are you grey?