I also wish an action movie would break out in my everyday life.
I also wish an action movie would break out in my everyday life.
Do you shoot the flat tire?
“I’m in DC. If you actually want to meet to get in a slap fight, we can do this.”
In between the headline and the comments are all these words they use to convey more detailed information about a particular story.
“When was that?”
That a healthier, better educated workforce isn’t considered a return on investment says it all.
Remember when Splinter was telling us she was just as bad/uninspiring?
Got a notification from NPR about this on my way out the door this morning. I stood in the carport and just laughed for at least a full minute. He’s such a deserving target too.
More people in this administration need someone to call them wack. Don't apologise.
As is typically the case Roo, you're right. As a former West Virginia, I just really hate the guy. I'm still kinda pissed that Paula Jean Swearigan couldn't get any support from the Democratic party. She was running on all the stuff they should be running on. Health care, prison reform, etc.
Too many of you replying to me are overestimating the influence of Fred Durst. He only ruined being Fred Durst.
Nobody actually needs Joe Manchin.
Voltaire has something good for every occasion. My personal favorite: "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."
Splinter is definitely the two year old; throwing stuff against the wall, having a fit if they don’t get their way.
“A jacket sir?! You don't want to look weak. Just go on without it. Real men don't feel the cold."
On a very minor side note, they’ve ruined red baseball caps. I looked good in my red baseball cap; now it just sits there, wondering what it’s done wrong and why we never hang out anymore.
They’re waiting for an action movie to break out around them. Hoping even.
People tend not to riot when justice is actually served. Maybe Sacramento could try that instead of hunkering down and preparing to crack skulls?