Prostate of Dorian Gray

Don't saddle Mexico with the Phoenix Suns.  Nobody deserves that.  

I'm betting you don’t have a lot going on in your life.  

Does HamNo have an alibi for his whereabouts last night?  

It worked for Dubya.  

Why would he have kept campaigning after winning the election?

There is not enough weed to keep up with this shit show. I hope my phone doesn’t turn out to have feelings because I shout “You motherfucker” every time I open the Washington Post app.

“I, on a few past occasions, have said this was my last election (if Dems didn’t turn out and at least take the House). Fortunately, they did, and I live to vote again, so to speak. But I’m happier for the long-term prospects, as they keep pouring in.

People need to learn the lesson that actions has consequences and negative actions have negative consequences. Whatever form the punishment takes it must be severe enough that the action that warranted it is never repeated.

Dude definitely does not have kids.

I just don’t want to see a career educator or a child flushed away. One was pushed to the over the edge by a teenager (because teenagers are assholes) and the other is a teenager with a chance to learn to not be an asshole. The teacher was obviously beloved by all those kids in the story; effusive would be an

Oh you'll be out of the greys here in no time.  

Making a lot of value judgements off of one snapshot in a child’s life. Where would you be if someone picked your worst teenage moment to decide your entire future?

I sure hope the Democratic candidates were inspiring and passed the purity tests. I would hate to think someone felt forced to vote just because the GOP has embraced nationalism and authoritarian thinking.

Wildy underrated movie.  

.Since it’s a usually a giant sticker on the back of their truck, I have to assume their family and friends already know. I’m not joining social media for any reason ever, period. Plus I think doxxing is weird and cowardly shit. So “no” to all of this.

A Simple Proposition: Pay Attention to Your Referendums

That's it.  Everyone back to the greys!

Oh grain silo, I’m just going to dismiss your bullshit when it appears in my orbit. Why waste time typing all your nonsense out?