Prostate of Dorian Gray

So is daylight savings time the fault of Hillary for not "inspiring people" or Obama for not "doing enough"?

That's like trying to attend Hogwarts if you don't believe in magic.  

They got hammered over some really dumb takes the last couple weeks. And there’s Hamilton’s infamous “Obama isn’t doing enough” article a few months ago. Fucking safe space babies.

Or another thirsty pigtail-pulling article about the NY Times.

Thank goodness someone remembered to blame Hillary for this. I was worried that Libby wasn’t feeling well.

I see these fucking 3% assholes all over here in NC with the stickers on their trucks. They’re advertising that they’re terrorists and get to just walk around free.  Fucking Vanilla ISIS.

Mr. President, don't you have better stuff to do?  

Nationalism works as a strategy.  It's horrific and terrifying, but it sure fires up the electorate. 

Obama also gave away all of our capital letters and commas.  

After the last couple weeks they've had here, of course they're tired of dissent from the great unwashed.  We should simply be glad to bask in their wisdom.  

It was even stranger when they were hired as writers.

I loved your work in GTA V.

Nope. Now Hamilton can blame Obama for everything, but without pushback. Which is the point of this whole thing.

Jimmy Carter is calling for oversight in our own election. It’s like we’re a third world dictatorship.  

Fve paragraphs written by an attorney screams sincere apology.

Oh I love you.  

I salute you for trying to inject nuance into the Splinter comments.  That's tough sledding, friend.  

“If you discourage kids from communicating well because ‘they’ll sound like white people’, then you’re not helping.”

The Washington Racial Slurs had a big scandal break last year (that went nowhere in the news cycle) that had a bunch of cheerleaders being coerced into not exactly escorting, but escort adjacent behavior. They were out of the country, as a group, and someone in charge essentially took their passports away to get them