Prostate of Dorian Gray

“Well-spoken" is not a compliment.  It's the subtle racism of lowered expectations.  

““They want to turn America into a socialistic country,” Spaeth said. “It’s disgusting.”

Racist Bannon.  

Dude, it’s so fucked down here. Your take might even be too kind.

Look, all I know from reading Splinter is that either Obama or Hillary are to blame for everything Trump is doing wrong. It makes perfect sense. That neither one are in any position of power currently is irrelevant.  


New Balance has that demographic all locked up.  

Somebody ask Hamilton Nolan if this passes his purity test for former president's that somehow only applies to the Obama's.  

Bad or not, it was fun as shit.  

I worry about anyone getting their information from cable news.  NPR and the Washington Post have served me well for many years now and nobody shouts over each other.  

It's been 15 minutes, but the system keeps getting worse and worse, so who knows?

She's becoming Harold Stassen. 

Mike Pence looks like a Lego fireman brought to life. 


Dude, that grain silo dipstick has been trolling for the last week or two.  They aren't even worth bothering with.  

This record is 18 years old? Dang. I guess I really am 45 now. This one was everywhere when it came out. I had forgotten about Killer Mike though. The first time I really noticed him was on an Immortal Technique record a few years later.

The one good (relative term here) thing that has come out of this nightmare administration is the gut check it has provided to this country. Evil is being openly pushed as a political agenda. It’s disappointing to lose some family over Trump and his message, but it’s nice to see people show their true colors;

Watching an orange baboon kick the pillars of democracy out from under the nation with gleeful assistance from the GOP can make a person a little testy.  So pretty please, in the interest of living in a non-fascist country, go fucking vote.  

It’s been working for the writers of this website the last couple years.  That and blaming Hillary for everything.  

Nothing to add about blackface that hasn't already been covered. I just like to use any Michael Jackson article to remind everyone that "Off the Wall" was a better record than "Thriller".