Prostate of Dorian Gray

Jesus I hope this isn't the direction my midlife crisis turns.   

Don't forget the voter suppression making sure it's hard as fuck to get to cast your vote.  

Human trafficking and prostitution aren't the same thing though.  Human trafficking is evil and wrong.  Legalized prostitution brings it out of the shadows making it easier to identify people trapped in that life against their will.  It also makes the life safer for the people that willingly choose it.  Look at the

It’s stupid that prostitution is illegal. It is simply another way to criminalize women and remove their autonomy from their own bodies.

I have been increasingly frustrated with the Netflix Marvel shows. They’re almost relentlessly bleak and it's a shame.  

I would think the Hangover movies aren’t meant to be a guide for parenting tips.

The little man and I both enjoyed the backpack thing. I didn’t get kicked in the nuts accidentally and he got to ride way high off the ground, piggy back style.

The Skip Bayless approach. This is a bold gamble and I support your contrarian stance.

When the end result is me eating Little Caesars, that's not a very good argument against a Red Baron pizza.  Little Caesars has always reminded me of the school fundraiser pizza kits. 

My suggestion would be to shift our stance to national defense instead of the Empire Building that we've been doing.  

The only good Christian rock band ever was King’s X.  They were just awesome.

“Yeah, I totally failed my way through two STEM degrees and 30 years in the workforce. You got me, columbo.

“We don’t need more poor uneducated no skill people here. We have enough of our own.”

John Oliver had a segment a few years ago about elections in India. They have massive turnout, somewhere around 97% if I remember correctly, and it doesn't involve much technology at all.  

When I am in charge of voting, in addition to about a billion more polling places, I am going to add a “no confidence” choice. Since I want to make voting mandatory, this should help appease the protest voters that normally stay away. We need to get max participation or we will all keep getting run over by the angry

The world’s biggest sponsor of terror is the Pentagon.  

Just dismiss that doofus.  They aren't presenting anything in good faith.  

Look here, greys. I am not trying to hear your bullshit about this. I am in favor of more voter participation, not less. If I had my way, early voting stations would quadruple, election day would be extended to election 4-day weekend, and voting would be a mandatory by law. Ballots could include a “no confidence”

Arrested a 6th grader, folks. This young man has a hobby, tries to grind it into money, and the only conclusion the cop can reach is “arrest him.”

As a former Mountaineer, I really wanted to see the Dems throw support behind Paula Jean Swearigan instead of continuing to try to lure voters with Republican Lite.