They're not even doing this shit with a wink anymore. Just blatant, out in the open fuckery.
They're not even doing this shit with a wink anymore. Just blatant, out in the open fuckery.
I would guess this person has taken to calling other humans "NPC's" recently as well.
No! The presidency is not an entry-level position. Pop finds himself on the right side of history and he is an intelligent, thoughtful person but he's a basketball coach. Instead of voting for outsiders, we need to vote for better politicians.
I knew nothing of this until I read the Rolling Stone story linked above. Holy shit the whole thing is crazy!
Fair, but damn the rest of your generation is wildin' out.
“Oh wow. What a story! I am not leaning towards believing it, however, cuz I feel that if they were true, Twitter would have had a field day!”
Except he confirmed it in other interviews. He only changed his tune recently. And he really did get a 4F deferment as well.
Aways happy to remind people that Ted Nugent adopted an underage fan in the 70's so he could have sex with her. This super hawk tough-guy also literally shit his pants before the draft board to avoid being drafted to fight in Vietnam. Like wasn’t even a conscientious objector, which is an absolutely respectable…
I think you may have just become my best friend.
Mr. Elliot should just have asked the Deadspin guys how to handle it. They’ve got enough experience being either on or candidates for the list.
I swear to God these folks would cut their own fingers off if it meant "owning the libs".
Maintaining an empire is expensive. I keep thinking that national defense would be way cheaper and better for the country, but there are all these other countries that are holding our oil and minerals hostage. Are we supposed to just treat them with autonomy and respect?
“Nuh-uh" isn't a valid counter argument.
You're just so awful at this.
I really would like to see more of them here, away from the toxicity of i09. It's the same for me when Damon or Stephen post about sports. None of the "these athletes are entitled" bullshit you find over at Deadspin.
I has been my duty (hee hee) to explain to all my non-comics friends who the new characters are as they pop up in the Marvel movies. It’s very nice to see how the MCU is retconning/streamlining the origins. Falcon isn’t a former pimp that eventually teams up with Cap, he’s a special forces badass that runs a PTSD…
If the southern states become their own independent block, I will absolutely have to move West. Bojangles is not enough make me live under a religious oligarchy.
For decades our largest export has been war, and that was with some semblance of adult at the helm. Now we’re led by a power hungry, belligerent child hell bent on destroying traditional alliances while praising dictators. I'm genuinely curious as to how many countries the US is going to be broken up into after the…
You would be hard to find me siding with management over the players in any situation. But especially in this one. Thibs took Joakim Noah from a solid starter to a punchline with that no nights off crap. Dude is 33 and has been done for two years all because of Thibideau and his bullshit coaching.