Prostate of Dorian Gray

“We don’t need more poor uneducated no skill people here. We have enough of our own.”

John Oliver had a segment a few years ago about elections in India. They have massive turnout, somewhere around 97% if I remember correctly, and it doesn't involve much technology at all.  

When I am in charge of voting, in addition to about a billion more polling places, I am going to add a “no confidence” choice. Since I want to make voting mandatory, this should help appease the protest voters that normally stay away. We need to get max participation or we will all keep getting run over by the angry

The world’s biggest sponsor of terror is the Pentagon.  

Just dismiss that doofus.  They aren't presenting anything in good faith.  

Look here, greys. I am not trying to hear your bullshit about this. I am in favor of more voter participation, not less. If I had my way, early voting stations would quadruple, election day would be extended to election 4-day weekend, and voting would be a mandatory by law. Ballots could include a “no confidence”

Arrested a 6th grader, folks. This young man has a hobby, tries to grind it into money, and the only conclusion the cop can reach is “arrest him.”

As a former Mountaineer, I really wanted to see the Dems throw support behind Paula Jean Swearigan instead of continuing to try to lure voters with Republican Lite.  

They're not even doing this shit with a wink anymore.  Just blatant, out in the open fuckery.  


I would guess this person has taken to calling other humans "NPC's" recently as well.  

No!  The presidency is not an entry-level position.  Pop finds himself on the right side of history and he is an intelligent, thoughtful person but he's a basketball coach.  Instead of voting for outsiders, we need to vote for better politicians.  

I knew nothing of this until I read the Rolling Stone story linked above.  Holy shit the whole thing is crazy! 

Fair, but damn the rest of your generation is wildin' out.  

“Oh wow. What a story! I am not leaning towards believing it, however, cuz I feel that if they were true, Twitter would have had a field day!”

Except he confirmed it in other interviews.  He only changed his tune recently.  And he really did get a 4F deferment as well.  

Aways happy to remind people that Ted Nugent adopted an underage fan in the 70's so he could have sex with her. This super hawk tough-guy also literally shit his pants before the draft board to avoid being drafted to fight in Vietnam. Like wasn’t even a conscientious objector, which is an absolutely respectable

I think you may have just become my best friend.  

Mr. Elliot should just have asked the Deadspin guys how to handle it. They’ve got enough experience being either on or candidates for the list. 

I swear to God these folks would cut their own fingers off if it meant "owning the libs".