Prostate of Dorian Gray

Maintaining an empire is expensive. I keep thinking that national defense would be way cheaper and better for the country, but there are all these other countries that are holding our oil and minerals hostage. Are we supposed to just treat them with autonomy and respect?

“Nuh-uh" isn't a valid counter argument.  

You're just so awful at this.  

I really would like to see more of them here, away from the toxicity of i09.  It's the same for me when Damon or Stephen post about sports.  None of the "these athletes are entitled" bullshit you find over at Deadspin.  

I has been my duty (hee hee) to explain to all my non-comics friends who the new characters are as they pop up in the Marvel movies. It’s very nice to see how the MCU is retconning/streamlining the origins. Falcon isn’t a former pimp that eventually teams up with Cap, he’s a special forces badass that runs a PTSD

If the southern states become their own independent block, I will absolutely have to move West.  Bojangles is not enough make me live under a religious oligarchy.

For decades our largest export has been war, and that was with some semblance of adult at the helm. Now we’re led by a power hungry, belligerent child hell bent on destroying traditional alliances while praising dictators.  I'm genuinely curious as to how many countries the US is going to be broken up into after the

You would be hard to find me siding with management over the players in any situation. But especially in this one. Thibs took Joakim Noah from a solid starter to a punchline with that no nights off crap. Dude is 33 and has been done for two years all because of Thibideau and his bullshit coaching.

Do not blame him in the slightest.  Tom Thibideau sucks and shortens players careers.  

Monica’s best leadership turn came in Nextwave.  If that ever makes it onto a large or small screen, I will be giddy.  

Whatever dude. 

Not judging her, but strongly insinuating that all women are gold-diggers.  

It's all just tap-dancing on ice while wearing roller skates. Parenting is fun, but holy shit most of us are making it up as we go.  

“which, it must be noted, was not fully staffed after half of its workforce disappeared in a tragic Thanos-related work accident”

This is Splinter. If you can’t figure out how to tie blame for this incident with your phone to Hillary Clinton, I don’t know if you’re gonna make it here.

I don’t know about all the police work part of it. I just know what my police experience has been navigating life as a white guy. I never got cuffed for trying to break into my own truck after work or any number of innocuous, happens-to-everyone moments. I always got to keep my dignity. Everyone should be allowed to.

How could she take exception with something like a survivors brunch? Knowing you aren’t alone in a situation lke this is one of the most empowering things a person could experience.  What a selfish stance.  

That car belongs to the spider now.  I would consider moving also.  I AM scared of spiders.  Hate those little things.  

They lost all credibility when they handcuffed him.  

It’s not passive aggressive because I like and agree with Third Amendment Man, it’s just poor smart-assery on my part. And if you think bringing up the “tired critique” of white privilege is keeping people from having real discussions about race in America, I don't think you're interested in real discussions anyway.